Reviews from

in the past

Shout out to my people at Skullgirls Latam, wassup baby I see you, you know what you post on Facebook GO EASY ON THE YOUNG ONES

I only played this game because I got it for free.

Uuuuuh....I suck at fighting games so I only played it like twice...But the girls are pretty!

jogo mo massa, mas to com medo do que pode acontecer com a mudança do pessoal no jogo

Tied for my favorite FG. So much fun and the animations are beautiful

fan of music and artstyle, not of the gameplay

Definitivamente minha nota não tem nada relacionado com personagens...nem nada do tipo cof cof cof.

É um ótimo jogo de luta, parecido com marvel vs capcom. Pegue a Cerebella e saia agarrando seu adversário como se não houvesse amanhã

First fighting game I really got into, and I sunk around 600 hours into it.
I enjoyed my time with it, but I absolutely can not recommend this game to anyone.
The game feels very rewarding to learn, with its fun combos and resets, but it also feels extremely painful to play when these fun combos and resets are being used on you. In this game, you could get hit once and watch your character get combo'd to death for a minute straight. The only openings you have is correctly guessing how your opponent is going to 'reset' you, which is genuinely a 50/50 or a 25/25/25/25 depending on the character.
The gameplay really relies on "spam assists and try to get 1 clean hit so you can combo+reset your opponent to death" and repeat. There is no real strategic depth here, it's just a glorified training mode.
Other fighting games have a bigger focus on playing 'neutral', requiring actual thoughtful gameplay. Those games require you to fight with your opponent, and actually think 'what will my opponent do?'. You're constantly adapting and adjusting based on who you are playing, making it a very intimate experience. This game lacks this feeling entirely.

It sucks that this game has so many good, loveable characters, because they'll be stuck within this game forever.
The artstyle and animation are actually wonderful, there was a lot of effort into making everything look smooth. I also love the music.
I'll avoid talking about the big controversies this game has had, but I will mention this: this game has had numerous updates where they REMOVE content, instead of adding. Imagine paying 15 bucks for a game, and then they remove stuff. Whether or not you agree with their decision is entirely up to you (again, there's reasons for this happening that I won't get into) but I can absolutely not recommend buying a game where the product unironically is losing content over time.

I've always loved this game to death since I was a kid. I have almost 300 hours total combining endless beta and base game hours and the game's art style, music, character designs and mechanics were all incredible but I felt like over time, especially around the release of 2nd Encore, this game would face more and more changes that would really start to deteriorate the game in quality.

I always had gotten the impression that Mike Z was a giant piece of shit who was out of touch and unreasonably rude to his staff based off his dev logs on his YouTube channel (turns out I was right) and he was responsible for a lot of the ridiculous changes that game has gotten throughout time in terms of game balancing and just an overall trend of changing things that did NOT need to be changed.

But of course, an obvious factor for not being able to give this game a good review in good faith is the fact that they'd have so many updates where they would consistently keep removing things from the game, the "censorship" update that everyone talks about was just the boiling point and the changes they made with manipulating the story (The absurd changes with Big Band's story) changing character designs (Ex. Parasoul) and removing "lewd" art from a game that has always had sex appeal and its raunchiness as one of its main appeals shows how out of touch and bitter the current developers of this game are and how fucked this game has gotten over time.

I'm sure a lot of loser coomers started shitting on the game when they found out they changed the story shit with Filia and maybe they barely played at all when that update came out but I think its in extremely bad faith to defend an update that straight up removes content from a game that already has an extremely miniscule player base.

This game has more style than any other fighting game I played (Marvel Vs Capcom 2 probably being slightly over it).

The fighting feels smooth and the each character plays unique and different. The only probably would be the balance-- (which I often don't complain about in fighting games. I love my fighting games broken) but Annie and Peacock are so clearly a tier above the rest.

Solid game. 4/5.

Great game, can only play offline cause of this funny thing called skill issues

i played online and someone combod me for like 20 seconds straight. good game

goofy, fully of personality, you can really tell the devs are fans of the genre and fans of games as a whole, i couldnt ever get into it but i still respect it alot

tem mulher que não depende de homem problema delas

This game is so good when you don’t got a anti-censorship bitch screaming in your ear about censorship and some nigga who thinks they’re better at fighting games than you calling it “le mid” or “le ass”

If you're playing this game, you're either a horny lil gooner, a lesbian, or a person interested in fighting games with solid foundations and deep combo potential amounting to extremely difficult yet satisfying gameplay. I am all of the above.

Cute art but whoever gets the first hit just wins the game

eww 3 fighters, guilty gear wouldn't dream

I'm not a fighting game expert, and I'm pretty bad at them, but this game has hooked me. I think one major plus that has gotten me to stick with this game is the extensive but easy-to-grasp tutorials that the game provides. Though I'm still not at the level I want to be, I've made major steps, and my progress has been noticeable and meaningful.

The biggest reason I have stuck with the game has to be its style. The character designs are fantastic (though not always appropriate), and the animations are amazing. I think the big band, jazzy, music does a lot to help push the old movie style that permeates a lot of the game, including the supers, which are called "Blockbusters".

I'd highly recommend checking this game out. It's a spectacular time. (I play Peacock, by the way.)

Got too horny and couldn't play the game.

A bit too raunchy for my tastes. but its a great fighting game

Great game, great hitboxes, great graphics, great musics, great character designs, pretty much a perfect fighting game i think... but i'm bad at the game so...................

I was genuinely amazed by how much they put into this game.
Such an amazing art direction, lead by an euphonious soundtrack to be enjoyed with. For not one single moment did this game not feel alive to me, with such intuitive and unique combat mechanics which may at first be a tussle to learn but once you get the hang of it you wouldn’t even notice the amount of hours you’ve pooled into the game.

Played this game a lot when I was younger and got it again for Switch. A very fun and great looking fighting game. I got the game physical for 20 bucks but you can get it when the game goes on sale on the eShop for less than 3 dollars. The DLC is more expensive than the game for whatever reason.

Beowulf made my friends quit this game and added 600 hours to my playtime. I fucking kneel.

Im not a fan of combo heavy fighting games but this game is just beautiful with lots of references to older fighting games.

A buddy got very mad at me for beating his ass and I subsequently dropped this game LOL

playin peacock just to spam projectiles gives me all the dopamine i need to live