Reviews from

in the past

This game just strikes me as...uncarismatic. I knew I didn't really like the game's vibe even before I tried it, but the allure of an ActRaiser clone was too strong. Turns out it's not as strong while actually playing this game, with its ugly brown and Xbox green aesthetic, its heavily re-used sprite work (like this statue? here it is 15 times on one screen!) and I feel like the whole vibe of the game is just kind of ugly in how you play Eve (as in Adam & Eve), who wears a thong and an illogical underboob bra that doesn't have any fabric in the one place where a bra must have fabric, and who becomes enslaved by some evil armor. Throw some boring and simplistic platform combat and a single-button strategy mode on top of all this unattractiveness and you have Smelter. I guess it's not terribly made, but it all feels so tasteless. Even the name Smelter is just kind of wack. I'm not going to score this since this game is so very much not for me that I can't even rate it as a game, I'm just making a personal note that I am most definitely out and will not be returning.

Controles horribles.
Historia mal contada. Lo intente re-jugar 3 veces pero me fue imposible.