Reviews from

in the past

when the gods of olympus are racist, misogynistic and homophobic they are praised and worshipped

but when i do it.....

This was my MOBA of choice for the longest time. I've always enjoyed mythology, so getting to play as some of the most well-known figures in historic folklore drew me in! As with any online multiplayer game, the experience can be mixed. You can have great games one day with solid teammates, and then a bunch of horrible games with people who want to troll or throw because something didn't go their way.

Smite offers a few different options depending on how sweaty you want to get: Arena is good for beginners and allows you to get familiar with characters' abilities without too much strategy, Joust is a step up that includes one lane and a small jungle to get you comfortable with the typical MOBA experience, and then there's Conquest, the full on, 5v5 mode with three lanes, a massive jungle, and the big push towards the opposing base.

Perhaps the major thing that sets this apart from other games in the genre is that you directly control and aim with your character in 3rd-person view, as opposed to the usual isometric perspective in games like Defense of the Ancients or League of Legends.

I haven't played this in years now, so the meta has most certainly passed me by at this point, but it's a fun game with a lot of unique characters and abilities. But, you may want to wait for the release of Smite 2 to try it out, which is just around the corner!

They made league of legends but worse, which should be impossible because league is actually harmful to humanity

For a game I spent entirely too much time in (just about 3000 hours or more) I honestly don't have too many feelings on it at this point. I enjoyed most of my time with and the crew I was playing with but I also have no wish to ever return on a more permanent basis.

Very fun casual moba! I get that 3D mobas aren't as strategical as 2D isometrical ones, but i guess it's pretty fun and having gods as characters is very cool!

I used to play it with some of my friends during covid and it was enjoyable!

joguei só quando saiu colab com avatar em 2020 💔💔

nao joga moba rapaziada. se deus quiser consigo manter isso desinstalado até o 2 sair q infelizmente vou tentar jogar

Played for a while. Not sure if I will again. Quality cosmetics.

Buen moba, se le nota lo viejo. Su comunidad es de lo peor que me ha pasado en la vida.

League but it's a chinese mobile game (genuine improvement)

Kept getting my kills stolen by a snarky bot called SuchPlayz.

At it's peak? 4
Currently? 2~
Very hard to jump back into when there are way better moba out there and it's niche isn't worth it, if you play now you're either fighting bots or people who have played it weekly for 10 years

Ca m"as bien depanné quand javais pas le ps plus

legal pra jogar com os amigos mas nunca aprendi a jogar de fato o jogo

It is not bad game but lol is more fun

E pensar que na época eu já cheguei a gastar dinheiro nesse jogo, mas enfim ele é divertidinho mas é muito paia, atualmente não acho que vale mais a pena jogar

I used to play Smite religiously, starting at the beginning of season 3 and stopping 4ish years later. So how do I even put into words my feelings about Smite?

It was such a huge part of my life for years. I met new friends, I bonded with people, I laughed, and I cried playing this game. So why did I stop playing? Because I was miserable. It's a free game and I understand that cosmetics will be a part of just about ANY game nowadays and they have to make money somehow. But there was a pretty obvious shift that happened where the entirety of the games direction was based around getting people to buy skins. Gods that players were shouting were OP were getting tons of new skins, and any time you saw a buff due to "underperformance according to our metrics" in the latest patch notes, you knew who the next batch of new skins was going to include. Hirez balanced (or rather they unbalanced) the game based off of who they were trying to sell to you. After all, why would you nerf a character who's making money? It sounds silly to say it was actually mildly heartbreaking to see a game I spent so much time playing turn into something that I couldn't stand to boot up anymore.

I've been told that in the years since i've stopped playing that the game has gotten a lot more playable. And like, I believe you? I do? But am I going to play it again? I want to? But will I? Probably not.

So, how do I feel about Smite?

I fucking hate this game. There are few games in existence that I can say I dislike more than Smite. But deep in my heart, in my SOUL, I love this game. And I will continue to love it as long as it's not installed on any of my systems.

it was peak at a time but now with more context its just worse league

tw// racism/sexual assualt

met my former girlfriend on here (back when i was cis)
finally build up the courage after 2 and a half years to come out to her about who i really am (while playing hades my ablt fav). long story short she broke up with me while calling me slurs and leaked our esex convo (im the bottom) to the whole lobby.

needless to say i wont be playing this one anytime soon.

Never in gaming have I seen my friends exude more toxicity than when they are actively playing a MOBA...
These games bring out the worst in people.

not the worst online game but online games really arent my thing im afraid

la mejor composicion de dioses? Beckenbauer en top, Xavi en la jungla, Messi en mid, el bicho de adc y Busquets de support.

O jogo é legal, nunca teve tantos players, não sei porque não consegue prender os jogadores.. Todos os amigos que chamei para jogar o game, pararam e foram para o LoL ou Dota, fiz também grandes amigos no smite

I'm not really into MOBA's but I enjoyed what bits I played of this. Hades was fun.
Takes a nosedive when you get to the ranks with the sweats though.

My favorite non-League MOBA game. Love the twist on having gods from different pantheons as the characters. The designs are interesting and there's plenty of depth. The third-person perspective take a little while to get used to. There's also some moments where you're just like "what killed me? How?"

Great game. Arena is a fantastic game mode too. I love you don't HAVE to play Conquest. There's other ways to enjoy Smite. Hi-Rez's best game.

Interesting combination but not good enough