Reviews from

in the past

play this one instead of origins

its mostly fun and it looks really good and the music is great but i thought the final zone was terrible -_-

o melhor jogo da era clássica, com conquistas e muitas opções de customização. é definitivamente a melhor versão disponível.

This is the best 2D sonic game, The level design is great, Knuckles is good in his first appearance, I love he's always in your way to halt your progress, The boss fights are peak in this game as well, Big Arm is the GOAT. This is the definitive way to play sonic 3 and knuckles.
This, Unleashed and SA2 are peak sonic IMO.

The perfect fanmade creation. Bar none. Perfect game elevated even more, the only singular negative I can think of is that portions of the &Knuckles part are a little weak and those Super Emerald stages can be a bitch.

Amazing remaster of the game, improves the game so much

De longe meu favorito da trilogia clássica, menos rápido e frenético do que seu antecessor porém mais rico e complexo em seu level design, admiro o esforço dos desenvolvedores em finalizar a trilogia da melhor forma possível

The definitive way to experience one of the best classic sonic games! Featuring a fantastic set of customization options and mod support, once you play this there really is no going back and it's my go to method of experiencing this classic over and over again.

One of the best 2D platformers of all time

Just needs a few more tweaks to be the best version of sonic 3. The game is one of the best platformers around. A ton of fun to play through and even more so to complete with all the emeralds

I love the ambition and it has some really high highs, that said a lot of the stages are a step down from Sonic 2, often being too long and sprawling.

Bomb ass port tho

Decent game with an outstanding port by fans. It has a ton of features and options you'd wish to have in more remasters.

they made the best sonic game better

Definitivamente a melhor forma de jogar Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

how do I give a 10 star rating because HOLY FUCK

I'm just reviewing the port here, beautiful port, kicks Origins' ass any day

I reviewed the game on the Genesis version page but to repeat, 2D Sonic is not for me, that now I know definitely lol

Easily my favorite of the classic Genesis games. Same great qualities as usual such as the amazing visuals and music. The main thing that stands out the most to me are the practically seamless transitions from zone-to-zone and act-to-act that does a great job at making the world feel connected than feeling like just a bunch of levels. There are also a lot of moments that really caught me off-guard, such as Angel Island on fire or the different seasons of Mushroom Island. In return the levels are a blast to play through minus a few stinkers like Marble Garden, beginning, and Launch Base to an extent. I really like how the special stages are implemented, where you have to seek out the special ring in the level, and Blue Spheres is just really fun with how it gets faster the more spheres you collect as a fun challenge. Overall like I said in the beginning, this is my favorite of the classic Genesis trilogy, and this is absolutely worth playing.

Probably my favorite sonic after experimenting mods, level design-wise i slightly prefer sonic mania, but to play through this with Shadow and his boost and homing attack, Chaos and his moveset from all main characters and a harder final boss, Amy and her hammer, Fang and his gun and triple jump, Mighty and his immunity to spikes in a game with lots of them, it's all a blast, add this with the already amazing gameplay from the main characters, banger OST, and the improvements this have compared to the vanilla game or even sonic 3 complete, and this is my favorite platformer experience so far, and my comfort game.

Not much to say really, just Sonic 3 and Knuckles but better.

the best way to play this game fr mods kinda dont count but they make the game from even more fun to even more funER

um jogo de sonic tecnicamente perfeito. o melhor dos jogos de genesis. não tem uma ost e vibe tão boa quanto o cd, mas consegue competir. tem um level design excelente. muito divertido de jogar, é satisfatório.

Even the slower moments of this game feel tense and flow like a stream. Has very few "bad" zones; the only ones I don't like are Marble Garden and Sky Sanctuary. Soundtrack and presentation are top notch. Really, my biggest problem is the inconsistent bosses. Some are fantastic, including the true final boss, while others, such as both Ice Cap Zone bosses, are abysmal. Luckily once you have super forms the bad bosses are easy to brute force. Lastly, the special stages are pretty good. I know blue sphere is divisive but let's be real what sonic special stages aren't, other than mania's. Personally, I'm a fan; I just wish there were more chances to get the super emeralds. Overall though, yeah it's a masterpiece.