Reviews from

in the past

I thought it was okay. Music sucks though.

De mis juegos favoritos de Sonic, volverlo un RPG le sentó genial y muy disfrutable, tengo muy buenos recuerdos del jueg que rejugué más de una vez

My opinion is quite possibly based on nostalgia, but I for one love this game. Even after revisiting it multiple times in the last decade I still do. I don't know why, I just find the worlds, characters and fighting all so charming. Yeah, it's a basic ass RPG with turn-based combat, but this was the first story game I ever felt invested in as a kid and that shit influenced me.

é um rpg de turno bem padrão mas da pra se divertir. O ponto forte desse jogo mesmo é a história. Uma pena que teve treta de direito autoral e fez ser impossível uma continuação :(

The music is so bad it actually gets extra points for being funny

Bit of a guilty pleasure game. I used to like it when I was younger.

A minha memoria do jogo comparada com a minha jogatina mais recente é bastante diferente.
Antes achava que era uma historia fantastica em que o sonic ao espaço lutar contra aliens em batalhas super épicas e diferentes comparado com o resto da série.
Hoje abro o jogo e desligo instantaneamente porque a musica é um crime contra a humanidade.

Enjoyed it on my first playthrough back in 2014 but looking back...yeah..yeeesh..especially sound design wise but I like the story and Shade is pretty cool, use of Sonic X art is interesting and I like how we visit Big's home...tho this didn't meant a shitload to me who didn't got that far in SA1 then lol

I picked the proper dialog options for Sonic but I wish someone would record all the asshole things you can pick to say as Sonic in this game, wonder if you can even progress like that, remember Scumbag Lee and Scumbag Clem videos for Telltale Walking Dead? Someone make Scumbag Sonic, please! Though it means you have to patience through this game and I get why that alone makes it hard for someone to do it lol. I didn't had the heart to select em at the time, why would you on first playthrough but now that I beat it....

Feel like this games kinda overhated but it's definitely not good lol

Este juego es una movida pero sois unos tontos que lo han emulao no entendéis la esencia de jugarlo en DS.

Recuerdo que está guapo así que debo tener razón, me lo pasé en 11 días.

it's like a free browser game, but extended and costing real human money

A great RPG from Bioware, in a very unusual choice of license. As a casual Sonic fan and an RPG fan, this impressed on both accounts.

The writing is really great for having been done by Bioware in terms of how it feels like it's from Sonic. As someone who loved Sonic Adventure 2, these characters felt like they jumped right out of that game into this one, and the numerous references to Sonic Battle were appreciated, as someone who likes that game too. In terms of mechanics, taking a page from the Mario & Luigi games, you do mini-games to execute your special moves, but instead of timed button presses, they're more like something out of Osu/Elite Beat Agents, which is actually really fun. Additinoally, you also dodge enemy special moves this way, which leads to my next paragraph.

In terms of flaws, the difficulty is really weird. Because the developers realized dodging enemy special attacks is basically 100% if you're good at the tapping games, enemies get really strong normal attacks, which in about chapter 3 you can start getting people 1-round killed by, when there's virtually nothing you could've done about it. Also, stats being explained a bit better would've helped a lot. Every character gets so many attacks per round, but their number is (with the exception of one special buff Tails can do) are totally set in stone. Sonic and Shadow have 3 attacks per round as soon as you get them, and they always will, while characters like Big and Cream only get 1 and are stuck like that. Granted that is built into the design, it'd be nice if they let you power-game it, considering there IS a stat called 'speed.' Other peeves with the design is that being able to assign an action to a specific turn in a round would be nice, as well as being able to go back to undo the last thing you told someone to do, instead of having to rewrite the whole round's commands to do so.

Overall, despite how long that flaws paragraph is, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and recommend it to anyone who likes quirky JRPG's and/or Sonic.

The music is god awful (i know why) but i love rpg and this is my shit

Nothing about what little I played of this game when I was younger grabbed my attention for very long. Though, after skimming some of the reviews of this game here on Backloggd, I think I'm gonna assume I'm not missing much. I barely remember playing it at all, and the small bit I did was underwhelming at best.

ken penders lost his own job over this so

Chapter 5 and chapter 10 in this are actual peak sonic
Rest of the game blowz
I wrote out too much and don't care. I like the concept, horrible execution. Definition what could have been.

It's not the worst thing ever, I'd even say it would be good if navigating the horribly designed areas didn't suck ass.

its sonic so not very good but the music does not disappoint!

the best bioware rpg.

i actually hated this game so much as a kid but when i replayed it as an adult i didn't dislike it at all. has clear mediocre elements, but it really doesn't deserve to be that hated.

This game is the worst sonic game. Why’d they think this would be a good idea

Like that one reviewer said, it's like a worse Elite Beat Agents. YMCA isn't even in it. What is in it is some interesting Echidna lore, shame it was rushed and involved in one of the biggest lawsuits that cancelled the Archie comics. Have your documents in order kids. Don't be like SEGA and Archie.

Too long, too tedious, and music is too bad for me to justify continuing to play this travesty

I'm pretty sure I 100% this game when U was younger(actually no I didn't max out all skills but I was like, on new game+4). Game's fine, youtubers just make it sound terrible.

Very clearly unfinished but I enjoyed it when I was younger.


and the combat is pretty boring too, the only thing i genuinely liked about this game are the characters and the lore, specially we can see more about the Nocturnus Clan in the Archie Comics.

just... don't bother with it unless you're a sonic fan like me and even though... why bother with it?

It kept crashing so i couldnt finish it, tho from what i played it was terrible

How can there be chronicles when you only have one to your name?