Reviews from

in the past

Looking through my eyes, If perhaps you feel I woke up with you, just smile. Don't you want it, baby? Keep it real, let's keep it real

Whoops accidentally started singing School Days from Persona 1 there. Sonic 3 and Knuckles is a game I have played and loved ever since I was a wee little lad. I must have been around 8 or 9 when I learned about what a genesis emulator was and of course being a massive Sonic fan (still am) I just had to play the fabled Sonic 3 and Knuckles. I spent a lot of time looking at the rom hack page on Sonic 3 Retro playing whichever rom hacks looked interesting and of course stumbled upon Sonic 3 Complete fairly quickly since the romhacking scene for Sonic 3 was pretty dogwater and honestly still is, there's still only like 7 romhacks listed on the Sonic Retro page compared to the dozens Sonic 1 and 2 have. I don't really think I can criticize this game almost at all, it stands true to being the best 2d platformer I have ever played so I'm just going to spout some personal stories I have with this game since I have played it so many times.

The Rankles Incident:
Rankles the Otter was a shitpost character created by a UK magazine for S3K. He was basically a green recolor of Knuckles (Original character do not steal) and if you saw him and presented proof you would get 1 million pounds. Of course they also said to go to a psychiatrist because he isn't real and you must have been seeing things. But one day while I was playing through carnival night as Tails or (Sonic I don't remember) I accidentally didn't manage to hit the button to turn the lights back on and completely jumped over it. When Knuckles shows up in the level again he was green. I SAW RANKLES, AND THIS BRITISH ASS MAGAZINE MADE IN THE 1990S ISN'T GOING TO GASLIGHT ME INTO THINKING HE ISN'T REAL HE WAS I SAW HIM.

The Sandopolis Act 2 incident:
I was playing as Knuckles and I got to a part of the level where you need to hit some random switch that made sand fall to make it so you could progress but like you could BARELY make the jump as Knuckles, I desperately tried to make this jump not realizing what you were actually suppose to do for like 5 minutes. I even went hyper and I finally made the jump, except it was one of those time doors in the stage and I didn't make it in time and the door closed, then I finally died of a time out. This was traumatizing as hell and I still hate Sandopolis and Knuckles because of this even if I was being a dumb idiot baby and didn't realize what I was suppose to do for like 10 minutes.

The I have no life incident:
I have played this game like 16 times. This wasn't intentional mind you. I always had a 100% savefile for all 3 character plus Sonic without Tails and I was content with that. Except then all of my savefiles got wiped because for some reason hitting pause during debug mode deleted all of my saves. So being a dumb idiot kid I just decided to replay the game as all 4 characters. So at this point I've played this game 8 times. Nice and dandy right? Except I don't learn so I hit start while on debug mode again, so rinse and repeat I replay the game 4 times again. Okay I've played this game 12 times at this point any normal person would just walk away. Except a power outage happened while my phone was charging which somehow wiped all of my data from the phone. Which means my Sonic 3 Complete save files were wiped again, so now I'm back at it again I've decided decided to play this game another 4 times, 100% all hyper emeralds on every character on a phone emulator and the thing is that I am not even sick of this game in the slightest. I still love this game.

Anyways that's enough of story time with your good pal IceFisher. I tried to use bold letters in this review and if it didn't work, shit oh well! I ain't changing it, if playing this game like 16 times instead of doing things like studying or doing chores it's to live with your mistakes.

La forma definitiva de jugar sonic 3 junto a A.I.R.

Neat & Knuckles in da best way possible

whenever I see people argue about how if 3 air or 3 complete is better I’m like “Holy shit! Two great fan made versions of a peak game!”

bom jogo mas sla nao curto mt as fases do sonic 3 + knuckles