Reviews from

in the past

12 year old me liked this game, and since i haven't change much even though I'm now 58 year old, i probably still like it

fun moments but lacks creative gameplay overall. a lot of the south park jokes are hit or miss with a lot more misses than things that made me chuckle or laugh. fine for a good 20 hour campaign dump if you need something to play while watching youtube or a show

Stick of Truth
It's a very fun turn-based game that I spent a lot of time enjoying, it has a really cool open world to explore and with a lot of content, one of the coolest things is the affection you develop with your character and the classes you can choose . In short, play if you don't mind the jokes throughout the game.

I remember watching this game on lets plays on my favorite youtuber and I always wanted to play it, But I never had the chance because my parents didn't want to buy it for me): A few years later I finally bought it and played it and I can say that South Park: The Stick Of Truth is a great Rpg South Park game. The game has a super crazy story with super turn-based combat. For people who love South Park like I do, this is an absolute must play game. Someday I would like to platinum it.

A solid RPG, doesnt try to be more but the main gimmick is that it is South Park, if you dont like the humour its probably a miss but i was a teenager when this released and it was fun as hell back then and still is.

This game is pretty mad. I haven't watched any of south park episodes and only played this game and it's pretty sick. Both ways - enjoyable and dark humour over the top. Which depends on your taste. Had to do multiple runs for the platinum but enjoyed it.

Uma carta de amor aos fãs da série.

imersivo pkrl, voce se sente dentro de um grande especial de south park, amei

Mar 4, 2024 UPDATE:
Looking back at the game, I've realized that I tried playing this again like three times, unable to get interested enough to keep playing. I still think the game is very good, but I may've overstated the "fun" aspect a little bit. - 🕖

This game has no right to be this good.

South Park was always a show I was aware of and liked, even though I've never watched an episode. Dark humor is something I love to this day and this game reeks of it. From item descriptions to entire scenes, offensive content is everywhere you look.

The gameplay is something I didn't expect to be fun at all. Exploring feels great. The combat, however, is quick-time event-based. I have no idea how this manages to be so fun to play - it's a miracle to me. QTE is probably the second worst thing in gaming to me, next to weight limitation.

The story is excellent, and I love the wild, bizarre things that happen throughout the game. The characters are fantastic, and I absolutely love the ending.

The UI is probably the only thing I'm not that stoked by. It makes sense, but it's a little too simple for me.

Overall, South Park: The Stick of Truth is great. The content is strong as hell, and even though it may seem a little too simple or cheap at first, it's picking up speed quickly into the story. - 🕗

this is the only rpg ever made

Top 10 bosses da historia dos video games

Genuinely fantastic, and I'm not even a South Park guy in the slightest.

Hugely underrated game. This game came at a time where most licensed IPs were just not as great as you wanted to be in gaming, but they were slowly getting better over time. We'd been burned by many South Park games in the past, but no longer! Stick of Truth feels like a true love letter to fans of the show. It really looks like you're playing an episode of the show, and opening any character's closet will bombard you with references that die-hard fans will truly appreciate.

Even the mere Junk items in the game that have no purpose have references in their descriptions as well.

Stick of Truth, of course, is hilarious. It doesn't pull punches and it gets as wild as you'd expect Trey and Matt to get (who had a hand in the game's creation). The game also plays great, with a Paper Mario-esque combat system and a few different Classes to choose from for your playthrough. It's an Obsidian game, by the way, so yeah. You know it's good from that alone.

Don't overlook this one just because it's South Park. It has some missable trophies, so keep that in mind if you're an achievement hunter. Otherwise, give it a shot if you're a fan of the show. People who aren't fans might still get enjoyment out of this, but not as much most likely.

Score: 87

I may not be a that much of a fan of RPGs, but I am a big fan of South Park, hence my username. This game is not only a fantastic licensed game based on South Park, but it is also a really great game on its own right.

It is just too much fun to walk around the town, talk to NPCs and find little easter eggs and funny references to the show itself. The combat is rather simple but still really fun and easy to understand for those who may not be too familiar with RPGs and just want to play a South Park game.

But by far, the best part about this game is the writing and presentation. This game fooled my mom too when she saw me playing and thought I was watching an episode of the show. It looks so authentic that you have to appreciate the effort that went into making it look like this, even if you are not necessarily a fan of the show.

And yes, this is a South Park game, so in my opinion, it is a really funny game. In terms of plot, they don't really resort to just making references to previous episodes of the show but they actually make their own original well thought story specifically for the game, with original characters and everything.

Actually, it is pretty fitting that this game is an RPG, considering how South Park plots tend to start really mundane but end up getting pretty ridiculous by the end. Unfortunately you don't kill god in this one, but the final boss here is still pretty absurd.

Overall, I recommed this one to anyone who is fan of the show or just RPGs in general. It really is a good game on its own and you don't really need to know anything about the show in order to enjoy it.

Melhor que a sua sequência, a história é muito boa e o combate, mesmo sendo de turno, é bom.

E um jogo do south park o que mais pedir desse jogo?

A criatividade dos filhos da puta que produziram isso aqui é sacanagem, princesa Kenny ápice do jogo.

este juego me quemó la play 3

This was the very first RPG game I have ever played in video game form. And it definitely warmed me up to the genre.


Episódio de south park perfeitamente traduzido em jogo. Meio cansativo e repetitivo pra me fazer ir além, mas valeu muito a pena a jornada

Really makes you feel like South park

o puro suco de south park

pretty uninteresting combat

I played and completed this game when I was 11 and, really I probably shouldn't have. Most of the really adult content went right over my head. I loved the game nonetheless.

Playing it again as an adult though, this game is still incredible and it's so crazy they went this hard for a South Park game.
Still my favorite Paper Mario.