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in the past

This one was a pleasant surprise, I enjoyed myself! ...that is, if the game didn't glitch my save file at one point and I had to start over from the beginning again. Other than that, good stuff!
Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated was an alright remake of the gamecube original and this is supposed to be the sequel we never got to it. When you view it from that lens it's hands down the best Spongebob game we've gotten. With tons of love and callbacks to the series that I know all ages of the show will appreciate. This show was a huge part of my life and playing through this game made me feel like a kid again. This was definitely a passion project made my fans of the series that respect its source material, you can tell everyone had a lot of fun voicing their lines. For a licensed childrens game in the year 2023, It's certainly up to stuff, I can imagine this being some little kids favorite game.

Cosmic Shake was a fantastic game. while it wasn't as long as it's predecessor, BfBB, I still greatly enjoyed my time with this game. the levels were all unique and memorable, while the bossfights were fun for the most part. the new gameplay mechanics were fun, and the humour in this game nearly always hit. a must play for SpongeBob fans.

This review contains spoilers

Good nostalgia for old school PS2 style platformers. Decent worlds, involves all the characters well, surprisingly good!

Even the talking sponge couldn't make this fun

Really similar to the Battle for Bikini Bottom remake which is a good and bad thing

It plays the same but to a lesser degree

The jokes are still there and good and the different dimensions were fun

Reminded me of Rift Apart


a fun enough 3d platformer. don't think it surpasses battle for bikini bottom though. absolutely don't get this on switch though. lots of momentary freezes and big framerate dips all over the place.

SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake pulled a Sonic Superstars for me... just nowhere near as severe.

First off, let me get the positives out of the way. Firstly, and the most obvious/apparent is that the graphic's and overall presentation are a HUGE step up from BFBB Rehydrated. The game has decent lighting, textures and the character models actually have good animations and don't look completely wooden. Another positive is the voice acting. To my knowledge, all the cast members of the show reprise their roles here and they all do a stellar job as usual and did the best with what they could do with the corny ass script they were given. The combat is incredibly simplistic but can be fun if you're fighting hoards of base level goons at a time. Sometimes I just like to shut my brain off and kick some ass don't judge me lmao.

Now for the negatives. Now obviously I don't expect the world from a licensed game let alone a SpongeBob one. But not only is the level design so simple that even calling it "simple" in the first place is a massive understatement, but like Sonic Superstars, levels go on for way too fucking long. If you've played other licensed games like Simpsons Hit and Run, you'd know how missions consist of nothing but a long lined string of fetch quests that ultimately means nothing in the game's story. Same deal here. But the absolute biggest sin of this game and what made it such a huge disappointment... is that this game is just one giant asset flip of BFBB. I started to have my suspicions about it when I was playing through Wild West Jellyfish Fields but it didn't become blatantly obvious until Karate Downtown Bikini Bottom (which is the worst fucking stage in the whole game).

I have some other criticisms here and there but I think I made my point. All in all; this game is inoffensive enough and if you have little kids who like SpongeBob or if you yourself are a fan I can say this game is harmless enough to try out. But if you're not a fan of the source material, you're just left with an incredibly basic, tedious 3D platformer. 5/10. It's okay.

A welcome surprise after years of less than subpar Spongebob games. As a Battle for Bikini Bottom fan, I appreciate what this game was going for, especially with all the callbacks to what is still, in my opinion, the best game in the franchise by a huge margin.

But it does feel really... cheap? Unfinished even? More time in the oven would've really helped to polish what's here. Animations are pretty janky, combat isn't anywhere near as satisfying as BFBB, it's ridiculously short, and everything just looks kind of plain. I'm sure the devs weren't afforded all the time and money they would've liked, so I respect the shoes they were trying to fill here regardless.

Cosmic Shake is a really good Spongebob game that doesn't quite reach the shoulders of the two giants that are BFBB and the Movie game, but it's a step in the right direction I hope to see turn into more of a leap by the time we get another entry.

2023 Ranked

Pretty good for baby's first platformer. They did a good job on providing the player with satisfying movement abilities and multiple sections where they could shine. Probably the strongest part of the game.

aaaaaaaa bob esponja nos hemos convertido en un plataformas muy diverso e interesante con mecanicas y niveles divertidos, historia chorra como en un capitulo de la serie y con jefes reguleros bob esponja

After the excellent Spongebob remake, the game is rather "EHHHH". It gets better as the stages progress, but can't keep up with Battle of Bikini bottom in many aspects.

expected a bit more out of this game after the success of the Battle For Bikini Bottom remake. In comparison to that game, Cosmic Shake doesn't have the same quality level design and mission that made Battle For Bikini Bottom so good. The game's linear design made most missions a chore to get through and the missions were mostly forgettable.

Everything in this game is great except for the plot and the fact that you can only play as SpongeBob, not his friends. I'm not a huge fan of the enemies — evil "jelly fish" were a bit weird, too

So glad that Mr, Krabs' balls finally dropped

A joyful experience

I have been sitting on this title for a while so I was happy to finally get around to playing it. I was very excited coming from Battle for bikini bottom rehydrated as I thought the game was a very good experience. In the end I really enjoyed my time with Cosmic Shake , finding myself smiling a lot and simply just having a great time with this game.

Platform goodness

One thing I have always enjoyed about spongebob games is its level design , it always brims with colors and joy. Each level is a blast to explore and complete, with many references from the show to be had along the way. Furthermore if you are a fan of the cartoon you will most likely enjoy this game a lot as it has many many references from the cartoon in it. In addition , the movement was fluid and fun apart from a few bugs and issues and I had. The story of cosmic shake is very simple , nothing to really write home about but that is fine spongebob games do not need insane stories. In addition, I quickly saw myself go back to each level after completing the game to 100% everything and get the platinum trophy and still the game's charm would shine through even with its grind near the end. Thank the lord there were no microtransactions in this game, EVERYTHING is only earnable through gameplay and there are alot of costumes to unlock and use which was very nice. I honestly don’t have many complaints with the game overall , it's a nice little package of good fun that will take you down memory lane.

Some complaints

While I don’t have many complaints I did have some issues that occurred during my runtime with the game. Primarily platform glitches and insta deaths which were annoying but didn’t happen often. To explain , there were a few times I would die for seemingly no reason while having full HP. It would mainly occur when I would try to go through a portal where spongebob would just glitch out and die which was odd. In addition I wish they could up the type of bosses these games have. To explain , the bosses were pretty basic in the sense that if you have played any 3D platformer you have most likely fought these types of bosses before. They never really seem to try and change up the boss formula and add some challenging bosses.

In the end

I really hope they continue with this formula because spongebob games have been in a very weird place recently. While Rehydrated was good, previous spongebob games were very hit or miss. They honestly need to just stick with Platformers and continue to innovate within its genre because I genuinely believe they could make a Fantastic platformer out of spongebob.

Pretty fun! Poor enemy design but otherwise a nice throwback 3D platformer.

Liked this more than Re-Hydrated.

really nice step forward from bfbb rehydrated, still rushed unfortunately but the different themed areas are great

I liked this better than BFBBR. Not by much. The collectables are a little less annoying to get. I like the costumes and the levels are better.

7/10 Better than the first but not worth $40

joguei pois veio na plus, mas o jogo é incrivel além de ser dublado

The strengths appear when played speedrunning, as the platforming and combat are way too simple to be enjoyable, but to be fair, that's probably because the game is best when ignored everything around it and you're just passing by.

A fantastic blast from the past. A funny story, witty dialogue, and charming jank PS2 platforming all coming together to create the perfect SpongeBob title. Definitely a msy buy title if you are a fan of the yellow dude.

i hate that i disliked this game but yeah..............

A sequel to Battle for Bikini Bottom: Rehydrated that, after four months of completion, I've already forgotten pretty much everything about, except that it was pretty mid.

enemies just arent fun to fight, a lot of them are just wait for your turn to hit and its really easy to avoid them

There's so much to say with this game. The pros are the developers did alot of correct Spongebob references to certain episodes from newer and older seasons, the cutscene animations are very expressive, and the music is pretty catchy.

The gameplay itself is very simple platforming and good for people who don't play platformers or good for children and families to play. You learn a new ability by going through each level and it makes platforming very interesting. The downside to this is the game never fully uses these abilities to its full potential. The enemies have cool designs, but the majority of them you can just do basic attacks to defeat them. The main collectables in the game are jelly and doubloons. There are set amount of doubloons in each level, but jelly will respawn an unlimited amount if you die or restart the level. Doubloons just unlock more costumes in the costume shop and you buy them with jellies. There's also other mini side quests where you collect various things for certain characters. Nice if you want to 100% the game. The downside to all of this is if you aren't going to 100% the game, then you have no incentive to collect anything and can run past the majority of the enemies. The boss fights aren't even really fights. You mostly wreck parts of the level to "fight" them. It takes you out of the game and makes it feel like an extention of the level, not like a boss fight at all.

I was playing this on PS4, so I don't know if anyone else has these issues. First of all the audio for cutscenes never match the cutscene. It's either off by 8 seconds or characters will repeat the same sentence over and over or the audio just cuts out entirely. This is also the same within levels. The music within levels will just cut out for the entire level most of the time. Plus, the death animations almost never play out. I've fallen through the bottom of the map multiple times, enemies sometimes never attack, and collectables sometimes never can be collected. Also, the game would freeze for me multiple times during cutscenes and gameplay.

Boss Fight Gripe: (this is where the spoiler is, incase you care about spoilers for a Spongebob game lol): The last boss fight is kindof unfair. You fight Squidward but hes transformed into a giant squid and his tenticles will hurt you or make projectiles that hurt you. These are easy to dodge. But then the main villian of the game is shooting harmful jelly at you, you have to dodge enemies and suction them up with the reef blower so you can attack the villian. Sounds ok enough, but you get stunned by the enemies for about 4 seconds and the knockback from getting hit by everything else will literally trap you in an endless loop of pain and you will die instantly. I got lucky on my 4th try, but still almost died and it felt like the game was completely unfair.

I know this is a licensed game, but there are great licensed games out there. This is an average game and the story is nice. I'm a very long time Spongebob fan and have watched this show since day 1 and even that can't save this game from ultimately being mediocre.

the rehydrated engine looks fantastic but feels so stiff to play :(