Reviews from

in the past

Top Gun for Nintendo DS is an air combat simulator, letting you pilot one of the fighter aircrafts to complete objectives.

At the beginning of the game, you choose one of the pilots, each having a different biography. I don’t think the game’s campaign changes depending on the character you choose. Anyway, this is a flight sim. You pilot one of the aircrafts that is available before starting the mission, though some may be locked, depending on what mission it is. The controls are relatively simple. You’re constantly moving forward, and you use the D-pad to turn in different directions. You can use Y and X buttons to accelerate and decelerate, respectively. Holding A will make you shoot a standard gun. Then there are limited rockets – L button will shoot a normal rocket, while holding B will enter a lock on-mode. Hold still on the target for a few second, then releasing the button will use a homing missile. The homing missiles are especially handy for moving targets – the enemy jets. Heck, they’re pretty useful in general. It does take a few seconds to ready the shot, but far more reliable than standard rockets or normal shooting. Of course, enemies can also use homing missiles against you, in which case you’ll get a warning – try to maneuver yourself to avoid them, and you’re good.

The are only 11 missions in the campaign, with the first two acting as a tutorial, teaching you the basics. The objectives can vary – and there are usually multiple objectives to complete in a single campaign mission. For example, in Mission 5 – Bogeys #2, first, you have to destroy a few warships to protect USS Enterprise, then you’re tasked with destroying some base buildings. There are also secondary objectives, in case you want to get more stars for level completion – like participating in a dogfight with Top Gun instructors in the very first mission, though these are basically 100% completion things. Objectives like destroying aircrafts/ships or enemy bases, along with protecting something are most common. Engaging with flying forces does feel kind of enjoyable – it’s basically a cat & mouse situation, where you chase your opponent and try to down them with a homing missile, while dodging other enemies. Destroying buildings is less so – mainly because of your speed, and the threat of actually crashlanding and dooming yourself to failure. And actually hitting these buildings can be a pain, and I usually have to lap around and keep swooping in to take out more – definitely my least favorite activity.

Although the game is pretty short, I think it’s decently entertaining – it controls well enough, shooting down enemy forces is satisfying, though some missions can be a bit frustrating due to their length and the lack of checkpoints. It looks decent and performs well with few hiccups. The music is also decent, but there aren’t very many tracks, and they don’t even loop properly. Overall, an adequate licensed game, not a bad time.