Reviews from

in the past

It didn't hold my attention. The character models look kind of poor to me.

Streamlines a lot of stuff from 2 and the combat it's great, but the story and all of the roleplay narrative elements are mid for me

This is FANTASTIC. The gameplay was interesting and I enjoyed the story. There's plenty of depth with how you can approach the story and role-play. The humor is wonderful, very Fallout-like and had me laughing. Really enjoyable experience and worth sinking multiple playthroughs into it.

Very good for a top-down tactical RPG. Personally got bored, because of the Baldurs Gate 3 and Starfield hype (both of which I plan to play ASAP), plus the game is grim and gritty, which is not what I need in my life right now

a very good CRPG!, con un final un poco agrío, empieza re bien, termina meh

Queria ter curtido mais, joguei umas 40horas+ dele, mas depois não me senti tão preso aquele mundo etc e ai dropei, um dia dou uma segunda chance.

First off, let me say that Wasteland 3 is my first experience with the CRPG genre, but not with turn-based tactic games, so I understood how the gameplay worked. The story is set in post-apocalyptic Colorado, where your team of six Rangers is tasked with getting The Patriarch's three children back to him, and in return, you get aid for your people back in Arizona. 

The story was pretty solid all around and made it harder to go along with certain decisions or be happy that I made the right one, or at least think I did. All the characters you meet along the way are pretty unique in their own way, which felt pretty refreshing, especially Ronald and Flab. When it comes to the soundtrack of the game, I was loving it every step of the way since the gospel/bluesy feel of the song matched the game theme perfectly (I now have a couple songs from it on my Spotify playlist). The world design looks like how you think it would, and people act like you think they would as well. How you explore Colorado is in the world map where you direct the Kodiak, a tank/truck hybrid that you can upgrade with new weapons', armor, and the Chasis that allows you to further explore the map and its radiation zones.

On the gameplay side of things, it was your average turn-based combat, and even with my limited experience, it seems the same in how it works but is fresh with the attributes, skills, and perks. Skills and perks are directly related since the higher the level of your skill that caps at 10, your perk tree for that skill allows for newer and better perks to be used for that character. Attributes, for the most part, are mainly focused on how they affect your character's abilities in combat. Awareness increases your likelihood of hitting your shots, while Charisma affects your leadship skill range and XP gain, and so on with the rest of the perks. That makes for a fun time figuring out a team comp that works for your style of gameplay.

Would I recommend this game? The answer is yes. For anyone who likes post-apocalyptic settings or CRPGS in general, this game probably has something you would enjoy, whether it's the funny moments or strenuous decisions you need to make that affect your people in Arizona, which is the Wasteland of Colorado. 8.5/10

Buggy as hell but this is one of the games that got me through 2020. Went back in for the DLCs but they didn't give me the same feeling as the base game. I didn't even finish the nuclear church one

CRPGs aren't my natural home turf but this one is heavily rewarding for those who love to explore.

Ich mag das Gameplay, aber ich hatte wahrscheinlich bei noch keinem anderen Spiel so viele "eyerolls per hours" wie in Wasteland 3.
Wie soll ich es jemals schaffen in diese Welt einzutauchen, wenn an jeder Ecke grausame Dinge passieren und den Charakteren nichts besseres einfällt als zu versuchen so quirky oder edgy wie möglich zu sein?
Die Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten sind da auch nicht besser und sind genau wie das Missionsdesign so bland wie nur möglich.
Bislang war's einfach nur geh zu Person X, Mach Skillcheck, Done.

Ich mag auch absolut nicht wie dich das Spiel mit namenlosen Goons bewirft, damit du sofort ne volle Party hast.
Das ändert sich bestimmt mit laufender Spielzeit, aber ich weiß echt nicht ob ich mir das noch länger antun möchte.
Ich mochte bislang echt nur das Gameplay und das macht XCOM immer noch so viel besser.

Has an okay coat of paint but shitty poopy bumbum writing/dialogue/quest choices pisses my pants 👖 right off. Like, i find it very strange that the game railroads you into helping ronadd reagan help cause the crack epidemic kinda weird idk

Overall, it's pretty darn good. The CnC (choice and consequence) are pretty good, the game has timed quest and don't fuck around about them. I lost Bizarre by my own stupidity. It made me rush all timed quest afterwards. The game certainly has another playthought worth of content at least, maybe two if you go for the best ending and another for Raider run.

I enjoy the game atempts to make Skill Checks not a auto win always , it doesn't happen a lot but it's nice. I thought the use of skill checks was pretty much perfect. Almost all Skill feels rewarding , even Sneak that's generaly terrible in CRPGs , can be use to great use get Sneak attack bonus or just scout rooms ahead. Builds variety doesn't come close to something like DOS2 neither Pathfinder, but there's enough to make a second run not feel boring.

The Combat is really good. Probably my favorite of any Modern CRPG. The story is nothing to amazing but it does it job well , it gives a nice conflict but honestly, the entire game i kinda wished i went a Raider Run and take over Arizona with Cordite. Angela is just too reckless even if Patriac is a major asshole sometimes.

I can see why some people hate it, the humor can be hit or miss but i thought was WAY more tolerable than DOS2, even had a good chuckle with characters like Flab (my homie.. i failed you) , Fargo and the communist robots.

played with my boyfriend and we were having a banger time but game hardlocked us out of progression so we had to drop it :(( makes me sad bc i was really enjoying it too

It's okay. It has an incredible opening, but the later acts have a very forgettable story,.

Underwhelming experience overall. The combat engagements are the highlight of the game for me and the cut content and inconsistent writing are the things that weigh the whole game down.

Almost perfect games appear very rarely, especially not in the role-playing game genre. In complex RPGs with countless decisions, combat situations and character values, something can always go wrong. The best example: Baldur's Gate 3, which, for all its ingenuity, is not without errors and had to be patched diligently after its release.

Wasteland 3 also undoubtedly has small problems and aches and pains somewhere. But for me it was still very close to legendary perfection at the time of its release.

Because Wasteland 3 shows how well classic CRPG virtues still work, even 25 years after the genre's heyday, if you just package them in a modern way. Thanks to publisher Microsoft's big wallet, developer Inxile Entertainment was able to implement the ambitions of part 2 much better this time, and the result feels worlds smoother.

In any case, I loved traveling through this crazy post-apocalypse again, facing crazy robots and even crazier clown gangs with my group of rangers and pondering tricky quest decisions. This may not be perfect - but what role-playing game is?

dis like my first turn based rpg or wtv pretty dope, i hired a cat named tomcat in my team he died

Game literally fucking crashed when i beat the final boss fuck this buggy bullshit i was having fun up till that point