Reviews from

in the past

I have a deep affection for the Way of the Samurai franchise ever since its inaugural release on the Playstation 2. The first entry holds a special place in my heart, while the second didn't quite capture me, and the third installment proved to be quite good. Way of the Samurai 3, which I played in 2017, allowed me to explore multiple endings, a hallmark of the series. Returning to this franchise always brings a sense of satisfaction. I'm hopeful that they will continue creating games for this series. It remains one of the best samurai game experiences available, and the original title will always hold the top spot in my genre favorites.

Replayed to get footage for a YouTube retrospective. Immensely fun game with a few flaws and some jank, but nevertheless a great time.

The cooler Nobunaga Ambition

Bom jogo, mas curto, e acaba ficando maçante depois de um tempo.

O foco do jogo são os vários finais, por isso mesmo ele acaba sendo curto, porém vários deles são parecidos ou tem uma forma muito parecida de chegar até eles. As primeiras duas vezes que eu joguei foram divertidas, depois ficou só extremamente maçante ter que grindar finais.

Depois de zerar 5 vezes acabei largando. Também tem o fato de que alguns finais são menos trabalhados que outros, e dos 5 que eu peguei, só um realmente foi bom.

Acho que é um jogo divertido pra jogar uma vez ou duas, porém pode acabar se tornando maçante rapidamente. Eu esperava um jogo onde você joga como quer e cria o próprio destino, mas no final, pareceu muito mais um jogo onde você precisa grindar até conseguir a ending final, que é a mais complexa.

Também não gosto de como o mapa tem algumas áreas e você precisa ir pra elas em uma ordem especifica para pegar certos finais. Depois de zerar uma ou duas vezes, você só repete as mesmas ações em diferentes ordens.

This is a very unique and good game! I was always turned off by it by the thought it has a timer, but to my surprise it actually doesn't! Yes it tracks your days, yes events happen at certain times of day, yes it is designed to be replayed over and over, yes there is an end. But it actually isn't timed! When I learned that the game really opened up to me and made sense.

This really is just one of the most immersive worlds I've played in a video game. Experience life in Sengoku Japan, walk around town, make friends, fight and kill who you want, rob people blind, do honest jobs, romance people, join one faction and betray it for another! All of this is possible and more. The emphasis on factions especially is very neat, reminds me of how Gothic and Morrowind handled factions! Decisions actually matter due to the smaller scope of the game, and bearing over 20 distinct endings!

The combat is so fun, like a mix of Yakuza, SoulCalibur, and Ghost of Tsushima! Mix up distinct fighting styles, weapons, and hundreds of unique moves. Craft, find, and upgrade highly customizable weapons. This game is designed around lock on fighting but big battles feel suitably epic and large scale and for that matter so fun! You feel like you're in a Kurosawa movie, slashing down person after person then finding one who is harder to fight, timing parries and blocks.

The music and sound is fantastic. From relaxing calm themes to upbeat and fast combat music mixing traditional Japanese instruments with modern. The Japanese voice acting is top quality, it doesn't feel overly goofy or anime-esque, it is done very straight like watching an old black and white samurai film. The sword slashes and cries of battle all sound great.

The story while simple is interesting and sucked me in as a fan of this historical period. The writing can be very serious and dramatic and also very funny and wacky. But what truly makes the story for me is just how free you are to do anything, this is an action figure of a story, a sandbox. Twist it, play with it, mess it up completely if you want!

The game is built around New Game+ and it makes for a unique and innovative system of progression. I am going to replay this so many times. I think this may become a comfort game for me due to just how replayable it is. Set a new goal for a playthrough or just see where it takes me and be surprised by new outcomes! Hell, the game could even let me simulate the mercenary or farmer life if I wanted to, ignoring the main story completely.

For those into historical Japan and samurai in general this is a gaming wish come true! Check it out! Allow your first playthrough to just be a free exploration of discovery, don't be afraid to mess up or miss something, just wander around and discover this great world! (Note, definitely have a controller for this one. Keyboard and mouse is a nightmare!)

This review contains spoilers

The first ending i got was the one where you join the Ouka clan and spend your days drinking, eating and partying until we got massacred because of a lack of preparation. Instantly fell in love with the game.

Unique gameplay mechanic that allow you to draw your weapon mid-sentece and cut to the chase when npcs are talking too much.

First npc in the game comes to me yapping at its mouth about some "Tutorial" and i ready my sword, suddenly you are playing that lavender town rom hack of pokemon red where nothing works as intended and you are stuck in a hellish limbo unable to progress.

This game is a fuck.

I think I would have been more into this game if I were at least a dozen years younger.