Reviews from

in the past

They added create a Story which was the best thing they ever did. Gameplay still sucks but with so many create features it almost makes up for it. I spend about 90% of my playtime creating Stories and Finishers.

Also I created a two Part Story called Foagy Story which was the first full story I ever created and I plan on Rebooting it as a standalone game at some point. That is why SVR2010 is very special to me.

I was obsessed with WWE for like 2 years and I thought Randy Orton was so cool

Create-A-Story mode is great, decent game

I don't know if it is blind childhood nostalgia talking, but this was an elite game and one of if not the BEST In the SVR series. Had everything to be desired minus GM Mode hence the lost star

Great game. Pretty much the same as '09 with just a bunch of tweaks. But you can still tell a difference between '09 and this game

For what it was, it was good!

I really liked the character creation system on this game and how many options it offered you. I made my own edgy wrestler with a black hoodie and no sleeves and he was so cool and epic!

I also made him a girlfriend and she was really hot and had massive tits and I was like 8 years old, can you blame me? Shut up.

What I remember in this game that Kofi was fun to play ,And the road to WrestleMania is amazing.

se me hizo raro no ver el modo universo

I had so much fun beating the shit out of Randy Orton in that training mode

My favorite thing was to create my own fighters that looked like my friends and colleagues. Very flexible system of customization

Not quite as good as what came after but this game was so fun to play as a kid. Also gets a bonus point because it had 2 Skillet songs on the soundtrack.

Foreign objects were so fun in this game, you would just swing ladders around like it was nothing. I understand why they changed it in later games but it was fun while it lasted.

Its a wrestling game where you play as wrestlers. A really good time back in the day when your friend comes by after school. Nothing crazy

2010 was alright. Not bad like some modern titles, but nothing special.

I give Smackdown vs Raw 2010 a 6!

sooo many hours into this. good game, some matches go long but again rose tinted glasses of childhood.

I actually don't really like this one and for no specific reason. I like 2007 but then I only like 2011 and up.

Gotta love Road to Wrestlemania.