Reviews from

in the past

The campaign is what made me drop this game.

For some reason theres a bug where the AI and my own stacks of armies have become god mode aka they won't die.

I can legit run over to the very last mission monte cassino due to it. Btw you would think Rome would be the last but no its a flipping cutscene.

Pathfinding is terrible also.. tanks cannot find and fire at targets unless they're within 1 inch

Plus the campaign is just boring.. I appreciate what they went for grand map wise but its poorly delivered.

Company of Heroes 3 is an ambitious and enjoyable step forwards that doesn't entirely click together. The series' aggressive tactical action is refined and enjoyable, and tactical pause is a welcome addition for players with slower reflexes. Missions don't quite hit the highs of previous titles, though there are many more to play through in the form of special scenarios and generated skirmishes.

The new strategic game mode is especially interesting in how it frames the action and adds a layer of choice, but is unfortunately overcomplicated for what it is, without significant challenge or pressure compared to other 'paint the map' types of games. I'm yet to play multiplayer, but I've enjoyed my time with Company of Heroes 3 as a solo experience, and can recommend it as a casual world war two themed RTS.

The AI feels dumb AF. With me playing only skirmish, this is a dealbreaker.

I don’t have much to say on this game mainly because I play Company of Heroes as a franchise purely for skirmishes against AI in my down time when I crave approachable strategy games. To which all I can say is that COH 3 feels remarkably like COH 1 with a fresh coat of paint. Which by that I mean the base game feels and plays extremely similar, but it’s just a nicer set of textures to look at, and a new set of archetypes to play as. To which after hating COH 2, turns out is all I wanted from this game.

It's been quite a while since I last played a Company of Heroes game and it feels good to have a more modern one. When I said modern, I of course mean graphically and technologically, since the gameplay is more or less the same as in the older titles. Which isn't a bad thing at all since the gameplay is what made CoH 1 & 2 so damn fun in the first place. I thought the new grand Italian campaign was really fun and opened up the game for new levels of strategy. I'm a strong believer in that giving the player lots of options goes a long way when it comes to making fun strategy games and the new grand campaign offers just that.

However the usefulness vary greatly between all these new tools that are at your disposal. The navy was a nice edition to offer naval bombardments during battles, but other than that it wasn't really worth recruiting ships since the AI doesn't have a strong navy anyway. Airplanes was nice as well for bombing the enemy, just like with the navy. The different emplacements though was complete garbage. They were designed to be defensive weapons in a campaign where you are constantly on the offensive. So they were always out of range and cost to much movement points to reposition all the time. I never really bothered with them and it didn't impact my campaign or experience in the slightest.

I also feel like the campaign was perhaps a little to long. There's a lot of settlements and about half of them was just regular skirmish battles that grew stale after about half the campaign. Especially since you pretty much played with the same roster over and over again. I would've liked there to be a few more story based missions to break up a lot of the monotony that comes from playing regular skirmish battles over and over again. Or at least one or two other forms of skirmishes where you could for example assault a heavily fortified position or something. I was also surprised when the final battle didn't turn out to be Rome itself, which caught me off guard and felt somewhat anti-climactic. The North Africa campaign was fine but not that exciting in the end. It's just 8 story missions that you can play through pretty quickly since a lot of them aren't really that difficult.

I didn't try the multiplayer because I usually prefer to play against people I know and none of my friends currently own this game. But overall it offers a pretty solid, albeit slightly flawed single-player experience that I don't regret playing, but I will probably never play through it again. It's really just a nice single-serving Company of Heroes experience that you consume and then discard afterwards. Perhaps I will pick it up again if they offer a new campaign or if I decide to try out the multiplayer. But from what I've seen of their current dlc plans, I won't be holding my breath anytime soon.

Bu ne oğlum, 2. oyundan eski ve kötü yapmayı nasıl becerebildiniz?

Tem muito o que se gostar e se decepcionar, a começar pelo preço, como um jogo de estratégia em especial para um jogador quase que exclusivamente single player diria que é um jogo descente, existe um senso de escala perfeito, representação de uma fantasia de comando interessante, não há foco suficiente em uma narrativa que seja digna de crítica, e somente gostaria de ter a possibilidade de presenciar um modo mais realista, no mais, foi satisfatório