Reviews from

in the past

The great grandfather of JRPGs is a great time capsule of it's era, but lacks the replayability of later games by having only 1 player character as opposed to a full party. Worth a single playthrough to witness just how deep some JRPG conventions run

i think i should maybe play the other games before this one

A fun RPG, but an old one that doesn't age well. Where it's super clear to see how this would go on to inspire the genre as time moved forward, the game itself is super simple and playing it today is more for nostalgia/wondering what games used to be like when they started evolving.

can’t call it a bad game. It’s just old

Un RPG mítico que tal vez no siga viéndose tan genial en la actualidad, pero que en su simpleza reside su grandeza.

I died a lot at first, but a solid game. Good to see where it started.

Simplistic and deliberately designed. Playing the original Dragon Quest is a must to understand the core concepts of the JRPG.

Honestly a pretty endearing game! Definitely best when using a guide if you don't want an aimless experience, but even with the vague instructions and shallow combat and repetitive grinding, I still got the appeal of what makes this series fun.

Played this game on my phone and honestly, in that format it's a lot of good, simple, fun. I love the open world, and it's cool to see how this legendary series began.

I was still SUPER in the mood for more Dragon Quest after beating DQB yesterday, so I started looking up ways to play the original legit. I didn't really wanna wait a month for a copy of the Super Famicom remake to come from Japan, so I turned the the Virtual Console. I nearly bought it on the Japanese Wii VC, but it turns out the Japanese 3DS eShop has 3DS remakes of the first three DQ games, so I bought it there instead for just 6 bucks :)

It's Dragon Quest, but FAR easier than the original. This took me about 6 hours to beat, and even though I got lucky on a few fights, especially the Dragon Lord, I was still able to beat the Dragon Lord at level 19 on my first try. This is a fairly streamlined port that really narrows down the level curve (like every level after 17 or so is just 4k EXP, which is like 12 fights against the monsters in the Dragon Lord's chamber). It also gets rid of the menu system like talking, stairs, open, and replaces it with a mechanical and graphical style far more reminiscent of the DS remakes of DQ's 4-6 where A is just your universal interact button. They also dumb down some things, like the Fairy's Flute, Loto's Armor, and even the hidden staircase behind the Dragon Lord's throne being marked with shiny, unmissable stars, but for what it's worth, the location of Loto's talisman is still hidden (although you still get a big interaction '!' above your head when you walk over it).

Verdict: Recommended. It's Dragon Quest like it always was, but way easier and palatable. There is some grinding still, but this is far more beatable in an afternoon/evening than an entire weekend+ affair like the original was. It's pretty to look at and the music is great, so it's a great version to play if you can either read Japanese or just know the game well enough to ignore all the dialogue x3

The plan from here is to move onto DQ2, which I also bought from the eShop for around 9 bucks, so I can partake in this month's TR in a way that won't be an insane time vampire like the original NES port is x3

Solo lo he jugado por ser fan de la saga, le pesan mucho los años pero igualmente no se le puede achacar nada siendo del 1986

Ichiban Kasuga played this, so now i want to too.

It's got a rocky start having to grind to not die to slimes but it gets fun after that

Started a genre! I first played this game in 2021 and fell in love, since I've bought over 100 JRPGs. I was unwilling to give the game a chance because games like FF didn't appeal to me, but after octopath I thought I would give this a chance and man did this game not disappoint. anything that holds up after 30 years is god tier.

truly ahead of its time with a protection to prevent you from mess up with the storyline.

Pretty fun because its basic and you dont have to think alot but thats why it cant have a higher rating.

The OG... but the rather bad looking Switch port of the mobile version. Played because the dialogue was readable by comparison to all other versions. You'd know it was the first JRPG, but simple enough not to mess up. Still enjoyable, despite its limits.

Very simple, sometimes to its detriment and sometimes to its benefit. It's the ancestor of all modern JRPGs, so it deserves plenty of respect, but outside of that, it's an enjoyable time.

Played it on my phone because I didn't have internet to do anything else.

nois gosta disso porraaa

A crappy mobile porting that arrived on Switch that makes you wait for a proper remake instead of this garbage.

The base game is pretty good though, this is why I am rating it higher than it actually deserves.

Not a bad game, I felt it was better paced than a lot of the games after it baring 5. The teleport spell was a cool idea, mad props.

I'd recently been looking into Tolkien's work and how he inspired the fantasy genre. I used this as a reason to research early RPGs, how they were inspired by his work, and how they branched off.

I see Dragon Quest as a good starting point for RPGs and the standard when it comes to making the bare minimum. It's not filled with overwhelming lore or a bunch of items to collect. It's just freely exploring and grinding until you can get a good enough level, armor, weapon, and the item necessary to access the final boss.

I made sure to take my time and collect all the most overpowered stuff. The only thing I dislike is the grinding. It wasn't as annoying as I found it to be in other RPGs, due to the game's small number of enemies and how easy it get to 1 shot them after reaching level 20 (the max is 30), the game just becomes easy to zone out to while the gameplay takes the center stage.

Honestly 8.5/10, would play again. And to anyone wanting to make an RPG (like in RPG maker or something), i'd suggest playing this title first.

Anyways, on to Dragon Quest 2

It was a pioneering and great game for its time. It's aged a little poorly, but it's fun.

One of those times where you "Can't beat the original" just isn't true at all

Lo jugaba con mi prim Manolo y le flipa

There's something delightful about the simplicity of this game, honestly.