Reviews from

in the past

Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl is the better version of the original Etrian Odyssey. It has a more linear story mode, with well developed characters and an extra dungeon, and it tries to help new players by adding an easy mode and other qualities of life. But, if you want, you can also play the old, hardcore version of the game. So, it helps new players without ruining the fun to the old ones.
The plot is good, I really liked the story mode. I think this is, by far, one of the best games by Atlus. But maybe Etrian Odyssey V is better. I should replay that.

Unfortunately, this game did not appeal to me. As a big fan of western (and some western-inspired) dungeon crawlers, I found that it failed to create a compelling atmosphere. The generic and uninspired design of the enemies, the uninspired anime design of most characters, and the bland events that occur in the dungeon failed to keep me hooked for more than a few hours.

This is the only game in this series I have played.

While I finished the game on story mode, there's also classic where you can create your own team from scratch. Plus NG+. I skipped all the optional secret bosses. Honestly, there's more to the game I didn't fully experience but I had my enjoyment.

It's a classic RPG: you level, there's skill trees, upgrade gear, side quests, and even draw your own dungeon maps. That's the part that intrigued me the most when I first picked up this game. I did enjoy that mechanic, pretty detail oriented. It was fun exploring the different levels of the dungeons for the first time. Every level was different and every five levels had their own game mechanics and ecosystems.

I enjoyed the music and the cutscenes were well done. The voice acting was great. The dungeons had a puzzle feel and encouraged exploring. Beating the bosses felt rewarding. The FOEs were fun to see.

The biggest negative has to be no option for subtitles in the cutscenes; which is an atrocity in an RPG where most of the talking in thru text anyways. I'm not sure why they didn't include that even as an option. The dungeons had audio cues that were EASILY missed too. You have to be very vigilant to not miss something. It's not hearing friendly.

But all in all, I did enjoy the game. Toward the end, it was getting very repetitive to me and I was itching for something new.

Este género no es para mí

I finished this game accidentally. Good, dungeon crawling fun, but I wish it had 2 save slots to play both versions of the game concurrently(I later learned the second one does this). I appreciated the limitation of party members preventing me from being underlevelled.

This is probably not a 10/10 game, but it was a 10/10 experience for me. It introduced me to Etrian Odyssey, a series I now love and own every game for. The music ABSOLUTELY blew me away, I was flabbergasted by how good it is, both in terms of creating a calming atmosphere as you walk around and very smoothly shifting that over to high-octane battle music. The art style is so, so nice too, both for characters and for backgrounds. The story mode was a brand new addition, but it really helped me ease into the genre, while also just keeping me engaged with loveable characters and a story that has a surprisingly effective hook, even if the story itself isn’t anything groundbreaking. Props to the voice actors too, they did a great job, and though there aren’t many of them, the anime cutscenes are just sublime.

Drawing your map, fighting monsters, selling their parts for better gear so you can explore further, constantly cutting it close with how you use your money on what equipment… it’s a constant balancing act. I even dropped the game twice because I couldn’t manage to beat a boss and didn’t feel like grinding, but I’m very glad I came back to it and managed to beat it after all. I didn’t do all the optional and post-game content, since I had my fill, but as the very first Etrian Odyssey game I ever played, this one has a special place in my heart.

My first game in the series and it's more or less what I expected and totally fine and fun for what it is. However I don't feel obligated to finish this because looking at hltb, every game in this series seems long as hell for a minimal-story, gameplay driven series. And with my limited time I want to at least shelve this one for now because I'm honestly just more curious about the later entries based on things I hear (e.g. gameplay refinements, stronger music). I might come back to this first game eventually but for now I think I'll just try Untold 2.

Peak because it's EO, but it's the worst game in the series.

i launched the game a while after reaching B3F and painstakingly mapping everything i found up to that point and when i got to the title screen the game told me it deleted all my map data for shit and giggles so i never played it again. i'll just stick to the original game and its HD version

whoops! we justified the genocide of a native race because we didn't want our cute cast to look bad! oh well!

(flops at being the deconstruction of the dungeon crawler genre EO1 was narratively but thats ok my childhood nostalgia and love for EO as a series overpowers that)

i tried to like this game so hard but i find first person dungeon crawlers to be kinda boring because i wanna look at the cute characters especially the art is so pretty iwant them to show up all the time not just their names


- Mon premier dungeon-crawler
- Histoire simple & prenante
- Difficulté présente & bien dosée
- Dessiner ses maps ( TOP ! )
- Arbres de talents
- Le rythme

- Pas vraiment de points faible
- Pour chipoter, peut-être un peu redondant (décors souvent identique,... )

- Un plaisir à jouer

Great. Now they put those damn millennials in my video games. Way to ruin the series Atlus. Fuck you. Mid.