Reviews from

in the past

....I hyperfocused on this game and played it for almost literally 24 hours straight without sleeping and gave myself tendonitis in my hand from gripping the evil little rectangles that are my joycons for so long.

I think it might be a pretty good game or something.

El juego no está del todo mal, pero tiene unos problemas super tontos pero que lo lastran todo. Gran parte del juego te lo pasas andando del punto A a B, intentas hacer una interacción que no sale y otro minuto de andar en línea recta hasta A para ir ahora a C que está el doble de lejos para nada. Eso sin contar que el juego pone objetivos a muy muy largo plazo de forma que a veces no sabes ni por donde empezar a conseguir algo (porque no creas que se explica mínimamente). Tiene potencial, pero esas cosas lo matan. El resumen sería:

- Early game: Estás extremadamente confuso mientras vas de un lado a otro sin saber que hacer y viendo que el objetivo más simple está tras mínimo una decena de horas.
- Mid game: Oye, pues no está mal. Voy un poco sobrado de recursos, pero voy consiguiendo cosas
- Late game: Estas el 90% del tiempo meditando para que pase el tiempo para que lleguen cadáveres, conseguir dinero o lo que sea, pero todo extremadamente aburrido.

very nice game that I played in an interesting time. it feels very nostalgic for some reason. would love to finish it one day.

Игра наебалово,ближе к середине скатывается в унылый гринд,выхлоп от которого минимальный,разрабы банально поленились сделать интересные локи/квесты/сюжет а выкатили халтуру.

Platinum difficult: 2/10
Time to Platinum: 80 hours

I love managment resource games and this was a blast to play and has a very dark humour, that is always welcome. The game doesn't tell you much about what to do, so it was kind of a rough start, but that was more fun to me. You're the graveyard keeper, so your mission is to take care of the graveyard in town (that's the short version, no spoilers), "autopsy" the dead bodies and take care of the tombs. Also you can work your farm, sell items, and even resurrect people as zombies and put them to work for you xD. Very fun platinum to get, but maybe not for everyone.

Я натурально залип в этой игре. Здесь присутствует система, хз как ее назвать, но ее суть, что для взаимодействия с некоторыми нпс, ты должен ждать определенного дня, и вот такое распределение на разные дни заставляет тебя планировать и подготавливаться к этому дню, также здесь очень много других активностей, и я буквально не мог остановится, потому что ну все надо сделать до того самого определённого дня, иначе придется ждать.
Судя по тому как я это описал, звучит как некий кал, но я наоборот очень кайфанул от данного геймдизайнерского решения, так скажем.
Также музыка очень нравится.

quero muito voltar a jogar essa porra

Gameplay boa e piadas Incríveis, mas lá pelo mid game começa a ficar maçante mesmo depois dos upgrades de automatização

‣ 9.5/10 – An endless dopamine simulator.

‣ Thoughts: I never thought I would come back to finish this. The first time around I quit after more than 50 hours of playtime, because I simply felt overwhelmed and mentally tired of all the tasks that were thrown at me. Thankfully a random YouTube video that got recommended resurrected my interest in the game and I restarted my playthrough after 3 years.

I am so happy that I came back to Graveyard Keeper, because I truly think it is a fantastic game. There are a lot of fetch quests and random tasks thrown at you without any real guidance, but once you get into the rhythm of the gameplay your brain becomes an endless factory of perfectly calculated maintenance tasks. Imagine your daily routine in Stardew Valley: taking care of your animals, planting corpses, watering them, visiting your favorite villagers, buying supplies etc. but then quadruple that mind process and try surviving. Every task requires pre-planning and every execution of said task needs correct timing, resources and acquired supplies. Forget just one step, run out of food, leave an item and you might miss out on a quest and be forced to wait 7 in game days. It sounds brutal, but that timed week loop forces you to always think ahead which in turn rewards you every time.

The game is absolutely ridiculous in almost every aspect. It has the most unfair fetch quests, the most bizarre characters and a completely unhinged story that ends in the most generic way possible. However, getting to these moments has you doing so many varied tasks that are all equally rewarding that you just can’t stop. Every little item crafted, potion brewed, burger cooked is given with a beautiful pop up and flashy skill points that are all sucked up like a vacuum with amazing sound design. And that’s why Graveyard Keeper is a dopamine factory. I am genuinely surprised how memorable most characters in this story are. They have funny and serious dialogue and actually make you care. Sadly, there is no real input you as a player have besides just giving them what they ask for. After all the DLC’s I wonder if there’s more to see, because the developers seem to hint at that.

In any case, this was a wild ride and one of the most addictive games I’ve played in the last year. If you enjoy games like Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing even, this might be an interesting alteration of the genre. It doesn’t take itself seriously but has a lot to offer if care to dig deep enough. And I mean who doesn’t love communist donkeys?

Gráficos e conceitos interessantes, manusear o seu cemiterio enquanto lida com outros problemas e quests, muito parecido com Stardew Valley nesse aspecto, porem o jogo falta mais instruções e direção, fica muito confuso quando vc joga pela primeira vez sobre oq exatamente vc tem que fazer e como fazer.

absolutely mindless, endless, constant crafting, which was fun for a while, but it became a job at some point lmao

One of my all-time favourites, it's like a dark aesthetic stardew valley. While the game is simple, it's still really in depth and that where it strength lies.

Start is great but game slows down the further you go and becomes a walking sim

Got 70 hour from my life i wish it had 70 more hours from my life

very fun game and cheap DLC's

Medio feo y mucho grind

Lo jugue hace mucho

Was a bit better than I anticipated, I liked how the NPC quests all linked together and had to be progressed simultaneously in order to finish the game.

3.5☆ - Got recommended to me because of Stardew Valley and I never finished it, but it was pretty damn good.

so far its actually really silly and interesting, i like that the dlc is references to shows (such as breaking bad and better call saul) which is super cool, it's def a game you'd get confused tho if you don't look up tutorials

" Brainstorm - is that some kind of spell? That could be useful..."

This was too difficult for me and after a certain point, it felt like an actual job to play this. Never got to enter the city :(