Reviews from

in the past

A fun yet very short coop puzzle game. Wish there was more content.

Very fun coop game, can get hard at times to communicate with your partner but it's very satisfying to solve the different puzzles. A bit too short but great nontheless.

An ok attempt at an asymmetrical coop game. My main issue is that most of the game consists of various different mini-games to represent "hacking". And almost none of those mini-games are particularly good. Or, if they are, they're not fun after you've done for the 10th time.

Wanted to like this one more. Both me and my friend were burnt out on it by the end. It just doesn't have enough good ideas to fuel it's already short runtime.

Great coop gaame, beautiful visuals. Just way too short

This is such a good co-op. But the way it humbled me because I'm bad at explaining stuff.

Real fun little co-op game, games like this are far and few between so if youre into that kind of thing like i am give it a look

Trop bien mais trop court (et un peu simple à certains moment)

Bon jeu de coop avec un concept d'agent et d'informateur, c'est original.

Great cooperative game. The roles are distinct, the story doesn't take itself too seriously and just serves to serve you the fun gameplay. Played this with my partner accross the room, which I think might reduce the feel of being two agents on very different jobs, but made communication even easier. Will probably replay to experience the other agent's gameplay in the future.

(Review from 2021) Solid co-op game. It’s really hard to find good co-op games in this nature, especially online. I really had a blast with it and there’s some cool discussion based puzzles that make it really rely on good communication. Only a few spots where I felt the controls kind of messed me up, specifically if I had multiple windows to interact with. It definitely seems designed for PC first and some of the translation didn’t occur flawlessly, but otherwise a great time.

Fun asynchronous where progress is entirely dependant on how well you and your partner can communicate

MUITO BOM. Este jogo é excelente, pois tem um ritmo perfeito, e o fator comunicação é genialmente implementado, fazendo a experiência muito mais enriquecedoura

fun little co-op game. I played it like 3 times lol

Super jeu, quelques enigmes/puzzles un peu pompés d'autres jeux coop (KTNE, Spaceteam). Un peu court mais bon 16€ pour deux

One of my fave co-op puzzle games. Liked it more than We Were Here and had far less frustration for it. Happy to have a smoother, fun experience with a friend than agonising over how to even begin puzzles.

One of the best coop game ever made

Ganz nett. Leider ist eine Person gezwungen den Typ im Stuhl zu spielen und diese Seite ist einfach langweilig. Sonst auch sehr eintönig.

Very fun co-op minigames that successfully make you feel like a spy. It's on the short side, which is unfortunate, because the story isn't especially satisfying. But what's there will let you laugh and bond with a friend for a few hours. I'd recommend it. You just might not find it particularly memorable.

solido juego cooperativo que solo necesitas que una persona lo compre. Aunque siento que es algo basico en sus mecanicas y contenido haciendo lo tipico que otros juegos de su estilo tiene sigue siendo entretenido

It's super fun, me and my friend had a blast with it. WAY too short though

This makes you feel like you are in a heist movie! I played as the agent and think it would be fun to replay again as the hacker. This game relies on asymetrical gameplay, similar to "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes", but in this case both players have different set of instructions they have to convey to their partner. The hint system was also well integrated, both players need to select it to come into play, but didn't use it too much to know how helpful it is.

I wish the game had more levels, I wasn't ready for it to be over after the 6th mission. Last level was kinda janky, should have died multiple times but teleported to the end. The name seems like a pun on "It Takes Two to Tango". Love how this comes with a free friend pass, only have to buy the game once!

A really fun little co-op only spy/hacker thriller game where communication is key. My friend and I finished it in one sitting and we wished there was more.

Operation: Tango - это захватывающая кооперативная игра, в которой органично сочетаются стратегия, командная работа и высокотехнологичный шпионаж. Игра завораживает своим элегантным дизайном, погружая в футуристический мир, наполненный непростыми головоломками и захватывающими миссиями. Постоянная потребность в общении между партнерами не только усиливает кооперативный аспект, но и придает дополнительный импульс совместной работе над разгадкой тайн и достижением целей.

Operation: Tango - яркий пример того, как кооперативная игра может быть одновременно увлекательной и интеллектуальной. Ее обязательно нужно попробовать всем, кто ищет насыщенного приключения с другом.