Reviews from

in the past

Faltariam palavras para descrever essa obra...

Uma daquelas obras que te faz refletir se jogos podem ser considerados arte

Pretty split on this (He says, rating it 4 stars out of 5). For all of its immersive storytelling and inspired visuals there's at least as much tedium in the game's traversal which leads to the experience being much more unfocused than it should've been. Thinking back on my playthrough that happened a week from me writing this down, everytime I do think about the game it's because of the boredom I felt during large chunks of it. Walking around, trying to speak to every NPC at least once so I wouldn't miss out on any important information. There must've been a better way to handle this. I certainly didn't have this problem with Disco Elysium.

I obviously still loved my time with the game, but there's no reason for me to elaborate on that as most other reviews will put my thoughts into better and more coherent sentences than I ever could.

"Love is the only reason to do anything in this life."

Intrigue has always peaked me in regards to this title, and having played it to its last brushstroke leaves me a bit... empty.

The town and people of Tassing felt as alive as any other locale that you could find in the real world, and in saying so, it does leave such a sour aftertaste: gathering the wits to say "good night" to this masterwork of a game.

Amei cada segundo, obrigado Josh Sawyer

I can't describe what it is, but something in this game struck me profoundly. Maybe it was the passage of time? The futility of the accusations? I don't know quite what it was, but I feel changed for having played it, and I'm deeply grateful it exists as a piece of art I was able to experience.

Una aventura gráfica única que basa todo su peso en diálogos creíbles y en una trama interesante basada en fundamentos históricos. Aún así, veo la duración del juego algo excesiva, provocando que el Acto 3 sea algo pesado y se haga cuesta arriba llegar al desenlace de la historia.

Pentiment passo batido por muita gente, ele foi criado por um time pequeno da Obsidian um dos melhores estúdios de RPG que temos.

Você joga como Andreas criando o background dele e afins, a hisotira demora bem pouco pra engrenar e quando ela engrena, rapaz, você é preso, quando o assassinato acontece você terá que investigar quem matou o Barão, mas você nunca vai sabe quem foi o real assassino, mas no final, alguém vai se executado, seja ele o real assassino ou não, quem sabe, você nunca vai sabe. o final é incrível o final do segundo ato te pega de um jeito que você não espera e o final do terceiro Ato então, rapaz, não esperava por aquilo.

a gameplay é simples, anda, conversa, investiga e faz algumas atividades, gráficos lindos e bem feito, ainda mais os quadros que da pra vê no jogo.

Se você gosta de foco em narrativa, uma excelente historia e escolha com peso, Pentiment é pra você, um jogo incrível que passo batido no radar de muita gente.


This game made me think (and cry) about a lot of stuff. About the past, and everything that has lead us to where we are today, but also about the present, and how we must remember to make the most of our time, while loving those around us.

This game won't be for everyone. It's slow in places and deals with some very mature and uncomfortable themes. But stick to it all the way to it's end, and you'll be glad you saw it all the way to the end.

Certainly unique, original and made with love.
However, I feel like the story stays too safe.

Also, the game would have benefited from being shorter, imo. The first part of the third act is too long.
The whole thing left me somewhat unsatisfied.

Extremely well done, with a strong distinct visual style. Somewhat hinges on you being interested on Josh Sawyer displaying his autistic hyperfixation knowledge of the time period, but if you can dig it you'll enjoy this narrative experience.

wonderful game that gave me such a unique feeling: there is time sensitivity to many side stories and even the main quests, but i had the feeling i could pursue whatever i felt was right because the game would do right by me as a player. and it did!

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Good game but with some serious flaws imo, mainly being the the gameplay is mostly boring. The setting is great and the story was really wonderful. I love the time skips, and how the town changes over time and you get to know the characters throughout their entire lives. Some bits near the end were genuinely touching like Claus not being able to see the mural in the end but earlier in the evening telling Magdalene how proud he is of her even without seeing it. There's also some really cool details like catching the depiction of Caspar in the Dance of Death painting in the ruined abbey, which clued me into Andreas being alive (which I kind of expected anyways).
However, I think walking around the town is really not very interesting. It's nice to have a sense of location, but it just feels kind of clunky with it having a pretty long transition animation between screens. I had the same issue with the menu. I know it's supposed to be a book you're reading (or writing, I'm guessing it's Sister Amalie's book) canonically, but it was just annoying and not worth the novelty (haha, see what I did there). And the entire structure of the game is a bit annoying as well, in that it presents the world as being free to explore and what not, but really it's just that you are in a specific time slot of a specific day, in that time slot you can walk around and talk to people, and there's a few options that will actually pass that time slot and go on to the next ones, and you have to pick one and only one of them. This is fine, but I'd rather the game just present that to me right away in a clear cut manner rather than it being all vague the way it is now. Because you really don't have that much freedom and just have to play along with the game, and it's essentially just a VN with some branching paths and extra content (there's some "minigames" which can hardly be called that). So you have to play along, but it doesn't tell you that, and so you just have to figure that bit out yourself. So in the end I enjoyed it, but I wish they just leaned into it being a game where you read dialogue and make the occasional multiple choice question (and made the text speed faster)

very good game but unfortunately when i was playing this (like 5 months ago idk) i took like a week or so break from it (around the time-jump point in the story) and just couldn't get re-invested.

Pentiment is Disco Elysium but if it sacrificed a portion of DE's storytelling for an outstanding visual art direction and level of detail and was focused on religion instead of politics. The way key decisions are handled in the game are taken in an interesting direction and its really cool to see the main town evolve over the course of the game based on decisions made. The only gripe I'd have with this game is the persuasion system feeling forced in just to incorporate game mechanics, which is a preference thing above all else.

Great narrative, intriguing mystery, awesome setting. Makes you excuse the shallow puzzles and forgettable mini-games.

What a game, about art and the artists who make it, about history and those who write it, just a phenomenal point and click adventure game that astounds me it got funded by Microsoft and made by Obsidian. Worth all the praise, worth your time and attention.

Confesso que tinha expectativas mais altas no aspecto da história mas a forma que ela é contada e suas escolhas no jogo são tão variadas que me abrem um sorriso sincero pra jogar novamente.

o melhor exclusivo do xbox depois de décadas.

Me lo pasé hace ya un mes y todavía me cuesta poner en palabras lo mucho que me ha gustado este juego.
Su historia, sus personajes, los cientos de detalles que marcan la diferencia y lo bien que trata ciertos temas, desde la lucha de clases hasta los dogmas.

No le encuentro ninguna pega. Es Obsidian refinado, su mejor juego. Pone de manifiesto lo importante que pueden ser las pequeñas cosas a lo largo del tiempo y lo mucho que pueden cambiar la vida de uno.

I bought the game on Sunday since its historical setting, and emphasis on theology and mythology with the elements of philosophy and literature was very intriguing for me. I was interested in it when it first came out but I don’t own an Xbox and don’t play games on PC.

I thought it would be better to play it on my Switch instead of PS5 because it felt like the perfect game to game to play interchangeably between handheld and TV modes. I thought I could play it a few hours a day to relax during an intense period of work.

Omg what game it was! I played it like a man possessed and completed it in 2.5 days with 22 hours during a very busy period. I got sleep deprived because of it, but I couldn’t let it go. What an amazing overall story and masterful storytelling. The way they play with the fonts and how it comes out to be a great importance in some critical instances is simply genius. The attention to detail in terms of historical accuracy and artistic expression is also marvelous.

I’m not a guy who is usually drawn to, let’s say, “smaller” games; however, this one really blew me away and became one of my favorite games of all time. I know it is partly because of my interest for the themes that exist in the game, but I still recommend it to everyone who loves mystery solving - detective games with an actually satisfying ending.

Nowadays, it's hard to find a game like that. It has a unique gameplay style, but after some time, it can become a little bit boring. I finished it in one weekend, and if I didn't play it in sequence, I probably would have dropped it at some point.

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bello e particolare, ho goduto

¿Que es más importante? ¿El cómo son las cosas en realidad, o la manera en la que CREEMOS que son esas cosas?

Dios que narrativa mas densa, completamente absorbente

Beautifully written, incredibly dense and thought provoking but overall a bit limited. A medieval murder mystery about different points in a small country town's history that is ultimately more about the impact and the history surrounding the murders than the mystery.

Timeskips are whats needed to be even remotely accurate to a medieval setting like this, but the lack of interludes between them hurts even when the suggested emotional impact can hit hard anyway. Getting to decide how the main character Andreas feels about his estranged wife is a fun concept, but it's ultimately a veil for an emotional beat that will happen regardless of what you pick. There's a lot of moments like this, and it's not like previous obsidian games or games like this one were totally transformative with their choices, but for an entirely narrative experience theres just very little difference in anything. What's left feels more like a visual novel with all the most annoying parts of a 90s adventure game tacked on.

Regardless the plot is very, very engaging. The mystery and the uncomfortable guilt of probably knowing you're going to finger the wrong person is sort of thrilling. The main problem, again, is that half of Andreas journey happens offscreen and as more and more information is recalled it feels less and less "focused on the town" and more "budget." I feel like even just one scene in any of the provinces you picked or even at home would've connected the story a little better, because otherwise you're left with these disjointed and sudden "mind palace" scenes where different characters explain Andreas' emotional state to him. It's a fun play on medieval theater at first, but as time goes it just feels confused.

Again, an absolutely fantastic story that's gotten me very interested in a lot of the history surrounding it (kudos to the devs for including a reading list) but not one I can imagine going back to.

Loved the setting, but the pace was too slow for me. Might pick up later.