Reviews from

in the past

Na real, esse jogo só vende pra garapeiro safado que quer inflar conta, 1° e ultima vez que compro jogos nesse estilo.

36 Fragments to Midnight (2018): Seguimos con la mala racha. Otra mediocridad, aunque en este caso peca más de simpleza que de fallos técnicos. Aún así, un ¿Roguelike? simple, corto, y vago, que parece creado más para satisfacer a los cazadores de trofeos que a jugadores (2,80)

Frustrating as hell platformer with slippery ass controls. Pretty much only ever worth getting on PS4 if you want a platinum trophy, which can be done in less than an hour.

As far as these cheap PS Store games go, this is probably one of the better ones. Short but not bad at all.

Stinky Platinum obtained in 21 minutes. A basic and boring idea, but it doesn't give too much trouble.


100%ed it and got the platinum