Reviews from

in the past

PC | 05/03/2024

Está sobrevalorado (opinión de una zagala que solo ha perdido)

Super fun inventory management style survival game.

A fun casual experience reminiscent of flash games.

When I played this game I had to play it on endless because my laptop couldn't run the 3D bit.

es bueno pero se vuelve monotono muy rapido

years of playing never bin saved

Beating this thing felt so satisfying, man. There's a LOT of RNG that takes control, but when you win, it feels unbelievable.

The gameplay is ridiculously simple but addicting and fun. The game has this humorous look and vibe I can't help but love, too.

There's not much more to say about it - it's that simple. The concept is really cool, and it's been implemented in the most straightforward yet fun way. Very good game! - 🕖

Técnicamente no lo he jugado yo pero una amiga y yo nos echamos varias runs en llamada

Tüm sonları yapmak dünyanın en iyi işkencesi.majosistlere tavsiye edilir

Esse jogo poderia ser muito mais do que ele é, é possível que você consiga ficar imerso no caos que é o mundo desse jogo graças aos textos, que são apresentados na forma de um diário bem velho e sujo, e pelo ambiente, que, apesar de eu não saber como que é um bunker, imagino que seja algo próximo daquilo.
porém, esse é o ponto mais alto do jogo, já que ele se torna repetitivo relativamente rápido e depende muito da sorte, tornando uma experiência que poderia ser bem interessante em algo frustrante e blasé

Fun for hours until you get eaten by cockroaches

Pretty simple choice driven simplistic game. Can be a little bit unpredictable, because same choices doesn't necessarily produce same results.

Me parece súper divertido y bien pensado. Acaba haciéndose repetitivo, pero las primeras runs son muy divertidas.

picked up again from scrolling on tiktok and seeing it on lives..... glad i did i forgot how fun it was :)

i have a lot of memories connected to 60 seconds! i loved it a lot when a couple years ago but never played it myself! then i started playing it and fell even more inlove!

It’s good but nothing to fun to play it’s a lot more fun to watch to be honest.

Just go play the remastered version

Fun little game about managing a family in a bunker.

its fun for like 2 hours then you dont revisit it for like 3 months

60 seconds till the Commies arrive!
I gotta… round up my family
And everything needed to survive-
60 seconds… till Soviets are kicking down our door!

60 seconds! Better make 'em all count!
I gotta grab cans of soup in sufficient amounts-
I've got my son and my daughter,
And lots of bottled water for us four…

…four? One… two… three… DOLORES-!

30 seconds till the world goes to heck!
We should've…. Moved someplace safer,
Like Montreal or maybe Quebec…
Who am I kidding? There's Communists in Canada as well!

30 seconds till the end of my life!
To find a… map and a gun, and to wrangle my wife!
It's time to hunker down! The bunker's down
Where bombs can't reach or breach our shelter's shell!

all i would need to take with me is tiktok and weed