Reviews from

in the past

What was the point of this? It's like the developers said, "hey, remember these awesome and memorable scenes from the movie? Here's how they would look if they were completely half assed instead." Exploring the environments from the movie up close and personal could have been amusing if the base game wasn't already entirely a pastiche of Alien's iconic sounds and visuals, even including the very sets you explore in this DLC.

I'll admit that this incredibly brief mission managed to raise my heart rate more than anything in Isolation proper as I struggled to wrangle the Alien and its terrible AI into the airlock, which took at least 5 tries mostly ending with the alien approaching the airlock door, sniffing around for me, and turning around and leaving no matter how I tried luring it in. In the end I just whacked the wall with my wrench and stood next to the door, crossing my fingers that the alien wouldn't spot me in its laughably small field of vision. Crawling through some vents while Lambert gives terrible directions was the opposite of fun as well, and getting through it mostly came down to trial and error, and luck.

This DLC really highlights one of the core issues with Isolation as a whole, which is that it takes an awesome enemy that is supposed to be a perfect killing machine, and turns it into a joke, or an inconvenience at best. Its personality oscillates between idiotic and cowardly, unless you stand directly in front of it for long enough.

I was really hoping this might deliver a more complete and concise experience compared to Isolation, but it's just a throwaway bit of fan service that barely justifies its 80 cent sale price tag.