Reviews from

in the past

Lovely, detailed backgrounds but annoying and stiff gameplay.

You know what? Shut up.
This is one of the most impressive GBC games alongside Dragon's Lair (which is literally a whole laser-disc demake) and Metal Gear: Ghost Babel.
On the gameplay, yea, not much to say. I'll stick with the original deals (the 1992 pioneer one or the actual console version of this).

It's a blurry mess. I can barely tell what's going on.

I don't care if it runs well for the Gameboy, that doesn't make it a good game

It's honestly remarkable this thing even works on GameBoy Color, even if the need to squint to see the graphics properly make the Switch release a pain to read, and the game has little going for it outside its existence

(PT-BR) Tentaram por um jogo de PS2 dentro de um GameBoy e o resultado foi desastroso. Mal da pra ver o rosto dos personagens, fora que objetos que eram 3D são 2D agora nessa versão, e pelas limitações do console, a gameplay da ação ficou pior e a exploração péssima, já que a cada vez que a câmera “muda de posição”, eles tem que criar um novo cenário simulando um lugar 3D ah esquece

(ENG) They basically tried to put a 3D game inside a GameBoy, a handheld console where you can just play 2D games. They tried to turn 3D scenarios into 2D, and the result was a mess of a map, with really bad exploration mechanics. I will not try to explain more than that on why you should play the PS2 version.

Maybe the PC version is better but this version is shovelware trash

The spooky atmosphere and visuals felt genuinely impressive to me…that is expect the moments when the silence was broken up by sudden moments of a dorky melody playing over a crusty detective man in which I would instinctively burst out laughing.

kinda not good. I dont know why this is on switch online when all the other gameboy games are certified hood classics

(GBC version)
It's a very impressive achievement for the system, especially since this was actually released unlike the port of RE1. There is a certain charm that I find with pixelated horror games, and this is no exception.
For the most part it plays just fine too, although the battle sections aren't too fun and certain items are barely used. Thankfully the game is rather easy and short.
If there is one complaint I have, it's the fact that due to the battles not being very good to control, you can easily not have enough ammo for the final boss and get softlocked at the end. Like, what the hell.

...surprisingly okay, for a de-made horror game on GBC. I don't know why, of all games to pick from, Nintendo put this on NSO, but hey, it ain't bad.