Reviews from

in the past

A bit hampered by the fact that it was on the Wii and thus not portable but it's got all the Animal Crossing standards and the addition of the new city area was a nice idea.

I remember when I first played this game for a looooong time I hated Rover and I do not remember why , I had an entire town dedicated to hating him in every way , the town was called f-rover and i constantly made hate posts on the board about him. I don't really remember much else about this game except my arm always hurting having to hold it up just to walk around , I never really played it much and every time I tried , I quit early and I never really enjoyed myself . I think Animal Crossing games just aren't for me , I enjoyed New Leaf and played a little bit of Wild World and New Horizons , I tried to like them but in the end these kinds of games just aren't my taste , and this one of the four I've tried out , I enjoyed the least . Perhaps I'll give it another shot some day , but I don't think that's anytime soon for me .

This was given to me as a gift for Christmas many many years ago, I came to hate Rover for some dumb reason (I did not like the way he was asking me stuff) and named my village "K*llRover" PLEASE like it was not that serious... it is so funny to think about now. Apart from that, I genuinely had fun playing

i remember getting this game when i was very little, could never make it off the train station because i didn't know i had to point the wii remote at the screen in order to move 😭😭

years later i eventually returned to it after playing new leaf a lot, wanting to see what i missed out on. turns out, it was a lot! city folk offers a classic experience that i recommend every wii owner to go through for themselves. you'll be wrapped up trying to catch all the fish and bugs, digging up fossils, customizing your house and paying off that goddamn raccoon or whatever he is

for a game called city folk, the city gimmick leaves a lot to be desired. there's definitely a lot of things that can keep you occupied the first few visits, but after a while you start to realize that there's nothing all too important over there.

regardless, city folk delivers on that pure animal crossing charm so many people love it for. marking it as completed because i feel satisfied in what i managed to accomplish in my town over the months i played it. i love this game

nem lembro oq eu fiz nesse jogo, devia ser legal, sei la

Wild World
but on console
and with a city

Probably the game ive played the least of in the franchise. The relaxing nature of these games don't really work with a wii remote and on the big screen they seem to fit more handheld style.

an oddball of the series but i really did enjoy the city bits. had a disc of this that had a scratch that would cause my game to crash randomly, but before it was scratched i liked playing it a lot.

My childhood animal crossing. So dear to my heart.

How can I touch grass if it deteriorates?

higher rating cause i used to play this like everyday as a kid nostalgia is awesome

I haven't nearly played this enough to give it a proper review