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Asura's Wrath se utiliza de uma das formas de linguagem mais primitivas de videogame, a destruição, e disso ele usa para subverter uma das mais essenciais lições budistas, o desapego. A destruição em Asura's Wrath é apego, é proteção, é amor. O exercício de linguagem de Asura's Wrath é um que só essa mídia consegue proporcionar, e é a quintessência de sua narrativa. Ame, viva, proteja.

Amazing, Just Amazing. This is probably the best DLC I have ever played. for $7 It's worth every penny. The Story's conclusion was satisfying and that final boss fight was something else. Highly recommended

Shouldve been in the main game but its one of the best dlcs ever.

Sim, realmente é criminoso o final verdadeiro do jogo ser uma DLC PAGA

Dito isso, PUTA QUE PARIU, que final maravilhoso,

Kind of annoying that this is part of the main story and costs extra. But other then that it’s still just as incredible.


Final épico da porra, deveria ser crime isso ser uma DLC, muito superior ao jogo base e ainda tem duas das melhores lutas do jogo inteiro (Chakravartin e Yasha).

One of the best DLCs I've ever played, It ties up the cliff hanger ending from the base game and leaves the story off with a satisfying conclusion. The game's true final boss had some great set pieces and is probably one of my personal favorite fights from the game, Overall I highly recommend Part IV if you have played the base game and want to see how everything really ends. (Also fist bumping Yasha is the best QTE in the entire game)

why the fuck was this DLC? This wraps up the story completely with a nice bow.

Yeah its a DLC so what, its literally the best thing ever made and really finishes everything here, I am not angry anymore, just happy :)

This was really good! Although it is INSANE this was DLC. It's literally the actual ENDING of the game. The final boss has such an amazing design, there are some pretty good sequences in that fight too. The other boss battle was also really nice!! If there's ever any type of sequel or remake I'd like the combat to have a bit more death.

Making this a DLC causes so many issues from a value perspective. It cheapens the climax of the overall story by disconnecting it, its an incredibly weak DLC offering to just have "a piece of the story". Its just a bad idea.

This DLC is 100 percent necessary. It contains the real final boss to the game. I want to knock it for being a necessary part to the story and having to pay additional money for it, but it contains some of the most interesting fights in the game. It all absolutely was the same quality as the base game.

vi pelo youtube e foooodasseeeee não vou ir atrás de dlc nenhuma só pra ver a conclusão da história do jogo, mas enfim minha opinião sobre:

HOOOOOOOOOLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT mil vezes melhor que todas as outras partes do jogo base, o único defeito de verdade mesmo é ser uma dlc obrigatória pra realmente finalizar toda a história do jogo, mas de resto tudo nessa parte é incrível e perfeitamente executado principalmente a última luta e a conclusão do asura

Much better ending than the base game