Reviews from

in the past

a mashup of zelda+ni no kuni+studio ghibli. Top-down Zelda indie. Plays much better since patches.

Salió regular, pero han sabido implementarle todo lo que le faltaba. Creo que se aprovechó en cierto modo del éxito de Ni No Kuni y, lejos de ser algo negativo, considero que nos dio un título muy entretenido

I was looking forward to giving this a try but it’s unplayable due to the sound quality, graphics and performance. The sound is very low quality in terms of recording and background noise. The graphics are missing details, kind of like the infamous door from Final Fantasy VII remake on the PS4. Expect this the entire game. I can’t even work out the mini-map. There is stuttering every once in a while.

I don’t know if all I’ve described is normal when playing on an iPad Pro 2020. Either way, I’d rather avoid the game and perhaps give it a try on PC someday instead of whatever this version is.