Reviews from

in the past

Me: "The GBA might be my favorite system. I have so many fond memories of its games, and I'm pretty comfortable talking it up as one of the best systems, especially for a handheld. Sure it's got its issues with its MIDI sounds and washed colors to compensate for its lack of a backlight originally, but I love it all the same. Especially now, given how accessible it's games are via emulation. Truly an excellent system with an incredible game library."

Barnyard for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance: "Barnyard"

A Review By Aeroezz

Absolutely Revolutionary for the handheld experience. Expertise of the customisation options in video games. Mind Bending Puzzles. And DEEP lore.

HOWEVER! DON'T PLAY THIS ON AN AEROPLANE! Your save data will corrupt :(. Not recommended for anyone under the age of 12.