Reviews from

in the past

its okay...... good luck trying to do a full campaign without a couple of friends stopping and then never coming back to finish.... ;p

I nuked the sub on accident after I hit a Hammerhead point blank with it.

To be fair, it wasn't my fault, someone loaded a nuke without telling anyone.

génial merci a mon ami enzo de faire le super sous marin et a panda de faire bruler le putain de réacteur

I'm sorry, I am one of those people who loves to cause trouble. It's quite silly fun.

Wayyyyyy too convoluted and waayyyyyyy to important to have others to play with. Which probably are two positives to people who like that type of thing, but I very especially hate when games force social interaction, and kind of also dislike when gaming communities try to push how "welcoming" they are. Regardless of how much people inside of the community try to preach it.

I will admit that if I had those two things then this would definitely be a fun game, I can see how people invest so much time into it.

i ♥️ hanging out with my friends in the cold dark sea. i want all of them to die with me

this game is fr shock therapy for my thalassophobia, really fun to play with friends, especially when shit hits the fan

oh captain my captain, entire of itself

Unique in every which way, although it does get a bit monotonous preparing all those systems as engineer sometimes.

I can see myself playing this so long as there's others to play with.

It's a cool game, you travel from point to point & take on missions. A bit repetitive find myself only wanting to play a hour before I'm ready for another game. A bit difficult solo. More fun & easier with more people for sure. A bit pricey imo.

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Very fun multiplayer game. Get this game and use it as an excuse to yell at your friends for being idiots.

lost all cargo and killed by endworm

Generates some entertaining moments sometimes but the gameplay is just not fun at all to me

Barotrauma é o jogo que apareceu pra mim do nada, não prometeu nada e entregou TUDO:
Aventura, terror, tensão, desafio. O jogo é simplesmente maravilhoso.
Mas esteja avisado, é difícil para um CARA@# e pegar o ritmo do jogo pode demandar um certo tempo.

Para quem se interessar, fiz uma playlist com um Guia para Iniciantes sobre o jogo. Link Abaixo:

Playing with friends can lead to some really fun moments and discovering the horrors of the abyss is great. Sadly I'm just not into the core gameplay so I find it hard to motivate myself to play more.

I think it's cool, but I couldn't get over the initial learning curve.

Mavi yaka görevlisi ve ilkokul mezunu bir avuç üretim amelesinin, eşlerinin nafakalarını ödeyememesi yüzünden kendini denizin dibine attığı acı oyun. Bu aralar geri dönesim var biraz.

"Hukuk Baro"muzu özledik.

A unique 2D submarine game that is a blast with friends as long as you can get over the mild learning curve and general clunkiness of gameplay.

playing this game with my friends is a core memory also known as i love dragging my half-dead friend's irradiated melting corpse across the submarine while telling them to hold on

É um jogo complicado com MUITAS mecânicas diferentes porém é um ótimo jogo, bem amplo em questão de atividades e ações, é viciante e vai te prender por um certo tempo.

This game puts a real test to how you are good at teamwork and how you value your friendship

i don't remeber why i have this game

O jogo mais complicado que já joguei, até andar era difícil. ``Divirtão-se``.

steep learning curve and not for everyone but very entertaining

This game needs more recognition. Great game that keeps getting better with consistent updates.