Reviews from

in the past

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So these are my updated thoughts on Battlefield 4 since I've played now 91 hours on PC. My opinions have changed, in some ways.
The campaign is actually decent in terms of gameplay, there are great ways to deal with the enemies and tanks, There are multiples way's to deal with tanks like for example: you can put c4 on it, use m2 slam as a trap to detonate, multiples RPG's and launchers are present on the area to use if a tank is present. Same with helicopters, I find it so rewarding, cheating the game by eliminating choppers that carry the enemies, so when you shot it down, basically you just skip a section.
The weapon selection is good, It would have been cool to customize the weapons with camos and different attachments like in multiplayer. But I'm satisfied with what we have. Also, I like to mention that it's pretty neat you unlock some weapons in multiplayer by doing the ending's of the campaign.
So I do have 2 main issues with the campaign:
1.The Story: It feels incomplete, there are some good characters, mainly Irish and Pac. Now when you reach Singapore, and Hannah "betrays" you, "it's supposed to be the only way"according to Hannah. But why?, even after breaking out of the prison and when we are in good terms with her, she never really explains why to Irish and Recker's. The betrayal is when the game story just stops and becomes Tombstone getting back to the ship, while getting there, You form a bond with the 2 remaining squad (Pac is presumably killed in a cutscene and mentions that he's not in the prision, and later is revealed, that he just went back to the ship, alive and well) so at the end of the campaign, you do feel bad no matter who you choose.
Also in a Story, where the main focus is Tombstone as a squad, and you are Recker's the leader after the previous one died. It would have been a great choice to make a Recker a character, rather than a silent character, like even with "the engage mechanic" every ally in the game, apparently communicates telepathy with Recker, because he doesn't say anything. Like, at least make him talk in the cutscenes loading the missions. If I'm not mistaken, battlefield 3 had a voiced protagonist.
2. The AI: The Ai for both allies and enemies are so late to detect and kill you. The engage mechanic, unless is the tank at the beginning of Singapore, will never work because the AI can't kill anything. The enemies, even for hard difficulty, are fine to fight, but sometimes they behave in weird ways, like moving around a lot for no reason.
Honorable mention: The swimming sections in the campaign they just don't work, It's apparently a bug, Because it's so bad
So the multiplayer: It got better, I have now tried the engineer class, and it's a lot of fun fixing allies tanks, destroying enemy tanks.
I love the P90 and the Deagle they feel so good to use. The sunken dragon, Propaganda and Operations outbreak (the jungle map in the mountain) are some of my favorite maps in the game. I'm now level 53, and I still want to play more, but I'm going to take a break, I will pick up later, I want to get max level in this game.

My first battlefield, it's pretty good. IDK how to deal with tanks. Playing the medic is so fun. It looks so good.
The campaign is so boring and so dull, I never dislike military campaign this much. Please play the multiplayer

Great combat, I don't have much complaints really

modo história ruim que doí, e joguei meio tarde também então não peguei a era de ouro do MP.

maravilhoso, esplêndido, excelente, perfeito, belo, esbelto, outro patamar, impecável, impressionante e muitos outros sinônimos para perfeição.

Just forget about the whole release thing and its an absolute classic

Insano, simplesmente o melhor Battlefield