Reviews from

in the past

played the special edition that came with a super luxury leather covered case

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Proto gooning game for the Atari. In this game you play as strong female characters as you lower birth rates by taking it in the mouth. Stunning graphics and in depth gameplay. For my 15 hour gooning sesh I bump some neutral milk hotel and played this game. By the 30 minute mark I already failed. Because I fell asleep. Because the game is boring. This game ruined my 15 hour goon session. Fuck you game.

Instructions unclear, beat the cartridge with a hammer and then ate it. Was that not what I was supposed to do? It was pretty yummy, but not as tasty as those Switch cartridges.

Game #281

The only thing that impresses me is his output, some people are just built different...wonder how women of the 80s feel about this game?

straight up "jorking it". and by "it", haha, well. let's justr say. My peanits

You can really feel the Majin Tensei II influence

I love Kaboom to death and I love really abstract garbage releases so I can't completely shit on this one. Would totally buy this for the dumb novelty if it wasnt $100.