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i gave it to my gf to play, she blinks af... the story is nice, the gameplay idea is crazy too, it's a good game :)

Está muy interesante la idea de controlar el juego con el parpadeo, hace a una mecánica entretenida de intentar mantener los ojos abiertos o jugar con la estrategia de cuando podes parpadear para descansar para cuando no podes y qsyo. Que el juego pase cuando parpadeas es frustrante, en el buen sentido. Me pasó varias veces de parpadear en momentos que quería ver, sin querer, y decir fuck! Y perderme del momento y de la historia que quería escuchar. El problema es que siento que hay pocos momentos que valgan tantísimo la pena como para que realmente sientas que te perdes de algo, salvo por algunos momentos que me perdí y me dieron ganas de rejugar, pero son pocos, la mayoría de los momentos importantes no te los podes saltear. Igual la experiencia está buenísima y es muy original, además de que funciona muy bien. La historia es re linda y no es lo que me esperaba para nada. La relación con la madre y la enfermedad del chico me parece que estaban demasiado bien escritas, y no me esperaba la cuestión esta de ser un alma que rescata el pescador este, de buscarme entrada al cielo. En general la historia me gustó aunque no me voló la cabeza, pero es emotiva y hasta llore un poco.

Nearly got through with a dry pair of eyes while dismissing it as predictable til the last few scenes managed to get me. Much better than most of the sad lo-fi indie and memento mori games out there.

It was a pain in the ass on a technical level though, constant fighting with the blink detection and then every time it started to work reliably it crashed, three times in my playthrough. Speaks to the quality of writing and VA that I'm only docking it one star for that.

Très cool comme idée que le défilement du temps se fasse avec le clignement de nos yeux via la caméra. Histoire émouvante et intéressante à découvrir.

im sure this is a wonderful game and i just know i d love it if i could play properly, but i cant. i have to sit completely still and not smile or move my head in any way, or it counts as a blink- regardless of how much i tweak the sensitivity of the blinks. doesnt help that i wear glasses so i need to sit in a specific position to have my real blinks count.

AND IT SUCKS IM SO SAD. cuz the first couple minutes already made me smile so much and i wanted to experience this as intended. sigh :(

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"and this time, try to enjoy it" UGH

a really pretty story with super unique mechanics and generally really fun and touching gameplay

Nunca chorei tanto com um jogo, é lindo. Mas eu tenho um grande problema com esse jogo, posso culpar meu tdah ou sei la eu só não consigo ficar mais de 10 segundos sem piscar, e pra um jogo onde a principal mecânica é piscar não é algo muito legal kkkkk.

A simple yet effective story incorporating some interesting mechanics.

While many of the plot points and setting aren't completely relatable for me, the main theme of feeling like you have to be more than just "good enough" does strike home. And the game does a great job at not just showing that, but showing why people might contribute to such an unhealthy obsession. Characters throughout the story are flawed, they feed into the obsession but their motives are realistic and their flaws don't make them villains. It just makes them like everyone else.

My only negative mark for this game is that, while the blink feature is interesting, I find that for people who may have some form of eyelid droop (or they're even just tired) they might find themselves accidentally skipping forward. Calibration does exist to try and fix these issues but after 3 or so calibrations in a row with the game still thinking that me looking at the bottom of the screen was me blinking, I decided that I'd rather just accidentally skip stuff and deal with it. You can play with a mouse instead, and that will work to prevent any accidents. But with the blink feature being a prominent method of gameplay I feel it's still a valid criticism.

( + + ) Narrative: Beautifully told story + the voice acting was crisp af.

( + ) Visuals: Low - poly and very aesthetic vibe throughout the whole game.

( + ) Blinking mechanic: Never played a game with blinking being a main interaction mechanic, was definitely surprised and loved the idea!

( - - ) While I did love the blinking mechanic, it was the one thing that did hinder me from fully enjoying the game at times. First of all, even though the calibration was well made and worked most of the time, the game still registered blinking even though I didn't, which ended up skipping important cutscenes that I wanted to listen to. Aside from that, one may call it skill issue, but it got pretty exhausting and distracting trying not to blink during important cutscenes: it's something that we do naturally and trying not to do it for as long as possible felt exhausting through a 1.5 hour long game. I ended up missing a lot of dialogue, which is crucial in a game like BYE.

I would have probably preferred if blinking was still the main interaction mechanic, but we can actually decide when we want to blink by looking at the metronome and then blinking, instead of it being on screen the whole time stressing me out!

I hate this game so much. This is the saddest game I have ever experienced and made me sob the entire night I played it. I recommend it!!

Um gameplay único e muito bem integrado na narrativa, além de proporcionar uma história bonita e que em alguns momentos te faz lacrimejar, deixando aquela sensação de experiência única e muito pela forma de como ela foi trazida à você.

I had to take off my headset multiple times to wipe my tears.

this is what i should be spending my money on

What a great game. It's contemplative and so so emotional. It's almost painful but you can't look away. Its emotional, deep, and inspiring. A reminder that games can be impactful. It has great story progression, colorful and stunning art with calming music. Would recommend!

I really wanted to enjoy this more than I did but the sensitivity of the eye tracking took my immersion completely away. As someone who wears glasses I had to sit completely still in one certain way or it'd pick it up without me doing anything. Otherwise the story was really sweet.

I'm surprised how the blinking mechanic works well despite tears flooding out of your eyeballs throughout the second half of the game. One of the most memorable narrative experiences of this year


"Don't be afraid, don't try to fight it, just try to enjoy it this time"

Literally cried like all of the liquid in my body out. This is a must play.

Eu nunca me emocionei tanto com uma obra quanto me emocionei com Before Your Eyes, que jogo lindo.

The more I think about it the sadder I get, this is such a beautiful story :(

Be ready to get dry eyes at the start by refusing to blink, versus an absolute tear-jerker by the end

never cried this hard in my life

Lo bueno y breve, dos veces bueno.

Mais que um jogo, uma experiência interativa que surpreende no quesito imersão. Infelizmente o jogo por não ser traduzido pra PT-BR acredito que não me emocionou tanto quanto deveria, mas ainda assim é uma obra incrível.

a sad game, i really needed to play this when i played it

I've never cried so much at a game before or really in life. The eye detection started popping off like mad because of how hard I was crying just go play it already.

Que haya salido el mismo año que Impostor Factory me parece insultante (para Before Your Eyes)


one of the most emotional experiences i’ve ever had with any media