Reviews from

in the past

A couple characters could've probably been more fleshed out but that's really the only possible critique I can think of. This is the closest any piece of media has ever come to making me cry. Using the webcam for the game really enhances the experience and helps to connect the player more directly to the themes of the story.

Highly innovative game interaction idea. Your blinking, which you can't always control and you naturally do is used to control the game. For me, that was very immersive.

Also, the story is lovely.

Amazing experience that could only be told through a game. Story felt a little rushed but its fine

There may be an alternative timeline where Before Your Eyes works perfectly, where the blink detection works without having to relight your room or calibrate every few scenes because you shifted positions slightly or wear glasses that reflect something. Where blink transitions aren't really obvious, or where the game doesn't register blinks that didn't happen, where blinking doesn't happen with an added delay needed for the detection to work.

But there is no alternative timeline where it wouldn't make me cry.

That moment when it clicks

'Everything, Everywhere All at Once' but game.

Not gonna lie, was kind of underwhelmed by this but it still made me cry. Conceptually, it's truly amazing -- a game controlled by your blinks to get across how fleeting life can be and ultimately about how you shouldn't look back on the past and be resentful of what COULD have happened.

I personally didn't have any problems with the blinking. As in, I didn't have to recalibrate it at all so I guess all these other losers just have shit webcams and lighting (boom, roasted). But it is I who has a shit ability to not blink under pressure so I guess I am the real loser (boom, roasted *but said with disappointment). I think it's done really well. It's incredibly frustrating and exactly the same feeling I get when I regret spending time doing one thing opposed to another thing. And the sick fucks behind this game really went out of their way to make it as frustrating as possible by not only making the game jump forward in time every time you blink but making missable things you want to do also controlled by blinking so you're more susceptible to blinking and missing out on your life that literally goes by in the blink of an eye.

Yes, it did make me cry because this is one of those stories where it's intentionally minimal and generic in order for the audience to project their own life onto it to have a stronger emotional reaction. But I think that's what let me down. Because it ended up feeling like watching a generic film but I often sat on the remote and fast-forwarded by accident. The second half of the game is important in communicating the message but it just felt like it was missing something and I'm not quite sure what it was. It just felt like it was clashing with the first half, I suppose?

This is a really fantastic concept that I think can be taken much further. This execution could just feel a bit barebones at times.

It's still a really good and unique game and it pushes the medium to a higher place but it leans a bit too far heavily into the fact that it's an unconventional control method.

Thankfully, the voice acting was surprisingly good and the music was very opportune too as it should be when that's really all it has when you take away the blinking.

This incredibly emotional game takes you through the main character's life. You control the game by literally blinking with your actual, real life eyes. By blinking, you move forward in time.

I can only recommend you play this game without reading more about it. Try not to blink too much while you cry.

Goddammit. This game made me cry

Blink and you'll miss it - literally. Playing Before Your Eyes on a smartphone device gave me the opportunity to use the eye tracking feature to move forward in the game. Which is a really cool way to experience this narrative-driven adventure game, even though the tracking didn't always work flawlessly. The emotional story about reliving a life full of potential and missed opportunities brought me to tears at the end.

Joguei pela Netflix e não foi das melhores experiências já que o port dava umas lagadinhas e as vez não identificava com precisão os meus olhos. Sobre o jogo em si achei a historia mais ou menos mas foi bem divertido por conta da mecânica inesperada.

it just. doesnt work. i dont know how else to say it other than the main gimmick of the game does not work

Ho fatto piangere tutta la mia famiglia MUAHAHAH

definitely a game you should play before you die

The best story in any media I've ever consume

Blink and You’ll Miss It:
Before Your Eyes is an emotional story of watching someone’s life through their eyes with game progression tied to when you blink. No matter how hard you try and stop it, you’re going to blink. And when I fought it, the game brought to mind moments in my own life that I didn’t want to end and it brought feelings of joy and heartache. In such a short amount of time, it’s amazing how much I felt.

I think some of the writing is quite bad but it made me cry a lot

Beautiful, tearjerking story, held back only slightly by the blinking mechanic not working occasionally

Got me crying.
Just play it.
You won't regret it.

beautiful game that uses your actual blinks as the primary input, creating one of the most immersive experiences I've ever had.

I would have to take a week to explain why I hate everything about this game. I will instead say that this game offended me personally and you should discount my review.

nao lembro a ultima vez que algum jogo me fez chorar,mas esse aqui me fez cair lagrimas
jogo perfeito

more of a good experience than a game

A unique and immersive game/experience that brings you on a journey full of reminiscences, missed opportunities, and 'what could've beens'.

Control/Gameplay - You control with your mouse and eyes, can you believe that? No other form of gameplays.

Graphics & Sounds - An effective form of artwork and graphics used for a game like this and I kind of liked it. Great atmosphere around especially with headphones, nice soundtracks.

Story - Definitely heartfelt. Loved how the game approaches the thought of how the main character wanted his life to be/ideal life at the start and contrasted it to his own reality. I was actually sold on it so it did well in that regard.

The story itself was certainly narrative based but your choices will also sway how the story will eventually be told out.

Characters - As the game was short (90 minutes runtime). A few may find it difficult to sort of have that strong emotional tie with the characters involved here and I think I was one of them.

But overall I still enjoyed how 'normal' the side-characters here felt. It made the game and story feel more realistic and actual.

Replayability - Could do more than one time as there could be multiple narratives at the end of it, not too sure how much it differentiates though.

Overall - 3.5/5 (close to 4 however, maybe a 3.7)