Reviews from

in the past

The worst entry in the series.

Enjoyed this one but not as much as the first Bioshock.

Bioshock 2 was GREAT. Many people will say that this was a fumble, but, in my honest opinion, the endings and the enhanced plasmid system made this a really good sequel.

no tan ez pero la historia un poco mas pocha

A lot of people expressed they didn't like this one but I still found it enjoyable but definitely not as good as the first game.

maybe a controversial opinion but i prefer this game over bioshock 1 and infinite, mostly because combat was so sick and the whole scenery was perfect

O melhor Bioshock disparado, ele pega cada mecânica de gameplay criada no primeiro e aprimora em todos os aspectos, quem fala que esse é o pior da trilogia tem um péssimo gosto objetivamente.
A história é fantástica, o unico problema é que o tema "coletivismo" que eles escolheram pra o game não é tão explorado quanto o "objetivismo" no primeiro então o jogo não tem aquela profundidade temática que é feita com maestria no 1, o roteiro funciona mais em aspecto emocional explorando a ligação do delta com a "filha" dele.

Improves itself in almost every way from the original.

Only major complaint I have is with the sit and protect sections with the little sisters. They get a bit repetitive.

Se fosse feito pelo cara que fez o 1 e infinite seria nota 5 fácil

definitely improves upon a lot from the first game, however story isnt as compelling and its super short

The best thing I can say about Bioshock 2 is that it's better than the first. There have been a lot of quality of life changes to this, like being able to use the phasmids and guns at the same time and having a drill instead of a wrench. Except this time on top of having you kill the big daddys, to free a little sister they make you do two missions where you protect her from an infinite barrage of enemies and if you fail you have to restart and you still lose the ammo and health you used. After a couple of time I just started harvesting them I didn't care. I still don't know what the story is or what's going on, but at least it's not not enjoyable.

ilk oyuna çok yakın hissettirmesinden mütevellit benim için etkisi çok az olmuştur bu nedenle ortalama kaldı hep

Juego precioso, historia preciosa, ambientación preciosa. De lo mejor que puedes jugar.

Lacks the novelty of the original, but has more streamlined gameplay and an equally fascinating story.

Que jogo decepcionante, não é ruim, mas também não é muito bom, ele simplesmente melhora um tequinho o gráfico, um tequinho a gameplay, um tequinho o mapa, um tequinho de tudo e traz uma história nova que é legal até, mas não tem nem metade da qualidade e impacto do primeiro jogo, BioShock 2 parece uma expansão do primeiro, chega a ser como se o BioShock 2 fosse o 1 e o 1 fosse o 2 de tão melhor que ele é. Não tem nem muito o que comentar, é só uma repetição do primeiro sem metade do charme, só tem dois poderes novos, as armas são todas reskins do 1, só se salva o Delta poder usar as armas e poderes ao mesmo tempo.

Até a metade esse jogo é um tédio também, o level design é sempre um hall enorme com uns caminhos curtos espalhados que não compensa explorar, o sistema de pegar Adam protegendo as little sisters é um inferno e é extremamente repetitivo, eu já tava cogitando zerar sem pegar os upgrades. No geral, não senti que perdi tempo, mas também não senti que me acrescentou em alguma coisa, sem contar que lá pra 70% do jogo (lá na Fontaine quando finalmente começa a ficar bom), o port pra PC do remaster começa a crashar loucamente.

Apparently, saying "I'm the Big Daddy" to a woman does not sit well in this society

Só ousadia (depressão) no fundo do mar...

Good, but not as good as the first. I hate this cover because he always looks like bomberman to me. Just look at that face and you'll see it too.

I literally prefer everything in this game over BioShock 1 and ESPECIALLY Infinite. This is a controversial take for some reason, but I really found everything about this story better written than 1. Sure, 1 has audio logs but the base story of BioShock fucking sucks and I can't stand the twist because it's so derivative.

BioShock 2 on the other hand makes the game fun, and the world and story aren't as boring to me as BioShock 1. I guess some aspects of 2 feel a bit less impactful in terms of art direction and such but that doesn't matter to me as much considering I enjoy pretty much everything else.

Неплохой шутер со скиллами. Можно по-разному прокачаться и выбрать свой стиль игры. Было даже веселее 1 части, хоть 2 и показалась куда казуальнее. Отличий немного. А вот сюжет проходной. Первая часть цепляла именно им, а здесь и вторичность, и простота. Негатива в прохождении не испытал, но и восторга не почувствовал.

Immerself yourself into the role of a BiG Daddy by diving through dumpsters for creamcakes and candybars (turns out Subject DeltaForce is big in more ways than one) in this atlantic adventure that's about as challenging as Fable 2 or really any game when you have a trainer enabled, not like that matters when you can freight train around with a drill and get to kablam collectivist cunts with a double-barrel that actually sounds good, unlike your average modern Dööm game where the combat is about as deep (YeP, I deleted BiG sisters by metronoming between my painkiller stake gun and rokkit lawnchair while they were a helpless stationary ice statue, requires lots of skill believ it or not). Passingly preaches gay fairytale morals like self-renunciation, forgiveness, and the importance of positive parental figures, hence why most intellectuals rejected it in favor of more wh0les0me media like Bioschlock Infinite or Undertale, whose gospel they internalized and preach to this day to make the world an ever better utopia.

A solid sequel that plays it a bit safe, the worldbuilding continues to expand in excellent ways as you journey through Rapture. While the gameplay is fun enough, the atmosphere and lore really take center stage in this experience. The plotline and emotional investment don't always reach fruition, but they solid enough as a backdrop to an entertaining and visceral fps.

"En la casa del revés, el sotano arriba y el ático abajo, en la casa del revés alegres llantos y tristes sonrisas, en la casa del reves hayado perdido, y perdido hayado", aún me acuerdo de esa frase, pero en serio era increible el juego.

this game is infinitely better cause its ACTUALLY a playable shooter. Also Minervas Den is a goated dlc

The only reason why this isn’t 5 stars like the first is because the big sisters never get oiled up. It does everything the first does beautifully and then some, by that I mean playing as a big daddy makes me feel like I’m the undertaker being thrown into a ring with 10 pre schoolers and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Same as in the first one the main protagonist only grunting throughout the experience reminds me of my time with my uncle and does nothing to take away from the experience. If you play this game and don’t feel immense satisfaction every time pin a hyped up junkie to the wall with steel railroad rods you need to reevaluate everything you’ve done thus far.

After sharing that I wasn't enthralled by Bioshock 1 because its combat was too floppy and weightless, I was urged to give Bioshock 2 a chance because its combat is so much better. And this is a consensus I've encountered frequently online as well.

So I played Bioshock 2 and the gameplay was exactly the same as Bioshock 1.

Except now you can use a shitty gun and a plasmid at the same time!