Reviews from

in the past

i fondly remember playing this game for some reason even though i remember infinite and 1 quite a bit but it’s amazing from the gameplay i’ve watched. i def have to run it back sometime soon.

Just as good as the first one imo.

No jodas, si tiene segunda parte.

Esto ya es pasarse. Ahora, eres un big daddy y buf si pisas fuerte aqui, literalmente.

Ahora ya, si hacen una tercera parte yo me muero.

Chat is this real?? With this second entry, do we have a great time in our hands? It took so long! (0 further console generations) we get new insights into a world of politics, with charismatic new faces and dialogue that still hits as hard, and gamers are invited to go outside touch seagrass for the first time 🥶😱😱 go yonder as you play a force of nature. Playing a game as an enemy type has its perks ngl there is so much soul in that. You're no Big but you're still Daddy, with your very own Little-Not-Sister-Not-Little to scrounge up. Which leaves me puzzled as to why there's still the option to harvest little sisters, the way I'm treatin Delta like "he don't bite tho" i aint no pitbull sugar mama I sweaaaaar

Eke out a living with the sweetness of violence, for the first step to salvation is through the game's big arsenal. Thanking whoever made weapons and plasmids a dual-wielding bundle, next time I play a Pokémon Nuzlocke i'll name one of the critters after you. Huh speaking of critters, I guess I need to talk about new enemy types, Big Sisters and Big Uncles. Ok, not uncle but the big splicers. Who aren't splicing. They're lame who cares atleast we got sisters now and new daddies to toy with (pause). Any family tree is fraught with drama, gang.

Weapons? Well there's a hacking tool, hacking has been improved, it seems easy until you realise that actions have consequences ; game doesn't pause and your life is in very real danger. What else improved? Well, photos methinks, they're videos now. Outside of the lore implications of this technological marvel, it's also less punishing. Delta is loaded to the brim, most of the weapons are the same as good ol' BioShock but reskinned to fit la creatura, it's harder to run out of ressources to my mixed reception, I'm alluding to running out of special ammo effective against armored enemies or french enemies or other types like that, this doesn't seem to happen ever.

alright, they managed to suck all the atmosphere out from the first game. I have no desire to replay this ever again.

Apesar de receber a impossível tarefa de suceder um dos melhores jogos já feitos, BioShock 2 consegue carregar esse peso relativamente bem, e apesar de não apresentar um história tão profunda quanto o primeiro jogo, consegue apresentar um gameplay mais refinado ao mesmo tempo que expande nos personagens do universo.

Bioshock 2 might not have the peaks of the original in terms of story and awe; but it stands up well as a great sequel with many improvements, and with the best gameplay in the series. Improvements include tighter combat, upgrades, hacking, research, visuals, decisions that impact story, cult philosophical nuance all along with rapture’s immersive atmosphere. To add the ability to fire weapons and plasmids together is splendid. After all this time I fondly remember enjoying my online multiplayer experience just as much as the story, which was a blast. I must admit setting vending machines to explode was quite amusing.

Lacks the novelty of the original, but has more streamlined gameplay and an equally fascinating story.

Que jogo decepcionante, não é ruim, mas também não é muito bom, ele simplesmente melhora um tequinho o gráfico, um tequinho a gameplay, um tequinho o mapa, um tequinho de tudo e traz uma história nova que é legal até, mas não tem nem metade da qualidade e impacto do primeiro jogo, BioShock 2 parece uma expansão do primeiro, chega a ser como se o BioShock 2 fosse o 1 e o 1 fosse o 2 de tão melhor que ele é. Não tem nem muito o que comentar, é só uma repetição do primeiro sem metade do charme, só tem dois poderes novos, as armas são todas reskins do 1, só se salva o Delta poder usar as armas e poderes ao mesmo tempo.

Até a metade esse jogo é um tédio também, o level design é sempre um hall enorme com uns caminhos curtos espalhados que não compensa explorar, o sistema de pegar Adam protegendo as little sisters é um inferno e é extremamente repetitivo, eu já tava cogitando zerar sem pegar os upgrades. No geral, não senti que perdi tempo, mas também não senti que me acrescentou em alguma coisa, sem contar que lá pra 70% do jogo (lá na Fontaine quando finalmente começa a ficar bom), o port pra PC do remaster começa a crashar loucamente.

Apparently, saying "I'm the Big Daddy" to a woman does not sit well in this society

Só ousadia (depressão) no fundo do mar...

Story was lacking, but graphical fidelity, combat, and puzzles were improved around the board

Lo mismo que el 1 pero un poco peor. Me enteré menos de la historia y era lineal :/

Same game except with the best weapon know to man. The drill is a blessing to anyone that plays this game. You can drill drill-sized holes onto people's chest cavities, but the best use for it is smacking people around with it. Want a good ass combo using a drill? Grab an enemy with telekinesis and just keep slapping them and grabbing them and slapping them.

This is sort of a disappointing follow-up to Bioshock in terms of it's story/characters/writing, but pretty solid from a gameplay perspective. I think it's better than Bioshock Infinite in some ways.

Bom jogo, mais divertido que o primeiro, mas menos qualidade também

This review contains spoilers

"Bioshock 2" builds upon the solid foundation laid by its predecessor, delivering a refined and satisfying gameplay experience. Set in the underwater city of Rapture once again, players assume the role of a Big Daddy, diving deeper into the city's mysteries while facing off against new threats.

One of the most notable improvements in "Bioshock 2" is the enhanced combat mechanics. As a Big Daddy, players have access to a powerful arsenal of weapons and plasmids, allowing for a more diverse and strategic approach to combat. The ability to dual-wield weapons and plasmids adds a layer of depth to battles, allowing for creative combinations and tactics.

The worst entry in the series.

Enjoyed this one but not as much as the first Bioshock.

Bioshock 2 was GREAT. Many people will say that this was a fumble, but, in my honest opinion, the endings and the enhanced plasmid system made this a really good sequel.

no tan ez pero la historia un poco mas pocha

A lot of people expressed they didn't like this one but I still found it enjoyable but definitely not as good as the first game.