Reviews from

in the past

The jiggle physics are insane.

So is this costume design.

I love how the lines Rayne say when discovering things you need to puzzle for are different depending on what other stuff you've discovered.

I actually didn't expect there to be curse words in this so when Rayne said "What the fuck?" I actually just reacted by blurting out "What the fuck?"

Everyone's favorite butcher.

And the pre-rendered cutscenes are absolutely sick.

But if I've ever witnessed an unfair final boss fight, this is it.

The thing is, this gameplay, technically, should be boring and tedious. There's one melee button, and one firearm button. That's it. And there are no combos or anything like that. Two buttons. There's no variety in how to approach enemies other than some don't shoot, and some block. It should be boring.

But the world, and the enemies, and the characters, and especially Rayne herself, are so full of energy. Rayne is just such a good character and she invigorates the whole game. Both in her voice (which Laura Bailey masterfully contributes) and her animations.

I love Rayne!

"Thanks for the ride, fucko."