Reviews from

in the past

Mi juego favorito de 2 jugadores, lo jugué con mi hermanito, lo único que tengo de este juego son bonitos recuerdos

Really disappointed with this one. Bugs & Taz Timebusters is a sequel that on surface level looks like it's trying to do more and be bigger, but is not only not bigger, but also shorter and worse imo. The idea of switching between Bugs & Taz feels like it could open up a lot of interesting gameplay and puzzles, but doesn't really work all that well. Lots of moves Bugs had in Lost in Time have been transferred to Taz, so instead of it feeling like each character has their own moveset, it ends up feeling more like they just split Bugs in two for no reason. The new moves you learn as well are extremely situational and are pretty much only used in the worlds you learn them with the exception of first person aiming in World 3. Speaking of Worlds, there are only 4 Worlds each with about 3 "Main levels and a hub. It tries to give off the vibe that it feels a bit more open world, but just ends up with the worlds feeling really small that are just cluttered with minigames that are reskined and repeated for every world. Even the Soundtrack doesn't sound as good as Lost in Time. Lots of short themes played on loop. The game also introduces a lives system to this sequel where as the orifinal didnt have one. Not only was this unnecessary, but also really adds nothing as getting a game over and contunuing just continues you. The game is also worse at saving if you can believe that. Lost in Time had it where at any Checkpoint or after any level youd be asked if you wanted to save. You could also just pause to save. Bugs & Taz confusingly gets rid of all these methods except for the traditional pause screen save. Despite all these negatives, the game does improve upon Lost in Time in certain areas. To start with Bugs feels MUCH better to control. Very smooth and his jump no longer feels like he's jumping with 2 anvils attached to his legs. The graphics and models are also nicely upgraded as Bugs looks less like pixelated slop. Even feels like they're able to get some more expressions and animations out of the characters. Overall, I wish I liked Bugs & Taz Timebusters more, but it just has too much Lost potential for me to recommend. Definitely stick with Lost in Time. It's a much more consistent

Amazing game with cute story!
Many childhood memories can be found here :)

Among the best cartoon adaptations of the era, this 3D platformer oozes the appeal of the Looney Tunes series now with 2 characters for an optional co-op adventure that much like Lost in Time goes through different eras but in a more stylized way. The graphics are a bit more polished as well as the sound effects for things such as the gear collection and lines each character says for different scenarios. But the things many (including myself) mostly remember fondly it's due to the soundtrack being in such a good orchestral quality.

It's completely baffling to me how this game never got a re-release or remaster in later consoles to this day.

Remember jamming this with a friend as a kid, cool co-op platformer.

had me impressed for a licensed game for the ps1, it honestly controls well and the areas are interesting

It was phenomenal at those times. A coop game in the same screen to finish a campaign. I think similar with "a way out" if compared to current game

Remember those old games where one person controlled the camera and their co-op partner had to suck it up?

Nothing amazing, but a nice 3D platform that I played a lot as a kid. Transylvania spooked me so much, especially that unholy zoo park during night.

Time Busters is a weird game. Despite having a lot of charm and playing just fine, it feels empty and less polished than the predecessor. The last levels especially feel quite rushed and the gimmicks don't work quite as well as the start of the game; the hubs have these large, empty spaces used just to bring you from level to level.

The peak of this game is the Viking Age, hands down. By the time I hit the ending I was a bit glad it was over. A good way to play the game is with another player, especially considering friendly fire is enabled and Taz will idly bite Bugs if he's near (which is always funny), yet in the end I felt it didn't click as well as Lost in Time. Levels felt short, rushed and the puzzles were good half the time, it also lasts way less to 100%.

They knew people had siblings when they made this. THEY HAD TO KNOW! So this felt very personal to me and my brother!!
We failed to beat the first world for years

But then we did beat it at some point in the mid 2000s. But we didn't have a memory card with free space. So to this day I only know like 10% of this game. But it is the best damn 10% I have ever had

Vou ser boomer e dizer que prefiro o Lost in Time.