Reviews from

in the past

amazing nostalgic game, i finished on veteran when i was pre teenage, good memories
finished on hardened

Un clásico, uno de los mejores, los clásicos nunca mueren, 10.

No ha envejecido genial pero estaba guapisimo

best cod, only one worth putting on the list even

Spawned Best Cod shots, so it's gotta be 4 stars from me. Sniping montages are a forgotten genre of youtube.

This game was revolutionary for the genre.

Surprisingly fun shooting mechanics, and great atmosphere

The story is very memorable and it has some very iconic missions.

The multiplayer is very enjoyable, with great maps and guns.

Overall it's my favorite game in the series, this game has everything a Call of Duty game needs, it's the whole package.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

Sorry but if you hate this game because it influenced every single other first person shooter in the market to have linear corridor levels with scripted set-pieces and cutscenes, you hate Half-Life by proxy.

unico call of duty que ja zerei, foi o unico que o pc da epoca tankou

it's good and super influential but is completely overshadowed by later games

Lendário, até hoje me lembro da sensação de jogar a missão de Chernobyl pela primeira vez.

Seems like a pretty good game by call of duty standards.

o cod mais importante de todos

i played this after mw3 so naturally it felt old when i played. single player only

Jugue a la version de wii...

Trendsetting by all means. Ventures magnificently the chain of blockbuster protagonism for our mad trigger-happy amusement through joyous sound design and astronomically wonderful crafts of first-person storytelling. Blesses itself with the effortlessly astounding sequence of "All Ghilled Up" to take the throne of any mission ever made on the entire franchise.

The campaign is so good and arcade mode is so fun. It's a shame they never came back in the future.

Excellent Single-player and multi-player game. One of my all time personal favorites

Esse jogo tem um multiplayer bem gostozinho pra época

just finished this again and i realized that the chernobyl mission ending is much much easier than people exaggerated, i guess ill have to try the remaster too if i had the time

damnit i need to play cod black ops 1 and mw3 too maybe world at war :((((((((

The reason call of duty launched in to a global billion dollar franchise. It is barebones and unbalanced as a multiplayer shooter but this is where it started. All previous cods were either pc only or so unknown that people under the age of 34 don’t remember them. My uncle who fought in the war this took place in played this game and despite being unrealistic made him nostalgic of modern combat. It’s that good

Put the goggles on, we are going to enter the time when Acitvision dropped perfect shooters one after another.

(Campaign Only)
-Gameplay is obviously the selling point. Playing it right now doesn't seem like a big deal; but it was. Compared the previous game of the series (windows), CoD4 has much smoother gameplay; but it doesn't have the great variety of weapons. There is no tank mission, but there is a mission where you have to shoot down the enemies in a C-130 aircraft.

-The level design is great but not perfect. Some parts like the bunkers are weird because you can go through both paths and get to the same place; but there are enemies in both of them and they will come after you if you the other way. Not a big deal when you play on easy mod; but otherwise you are going to die A LOT. The variety of environments is also good, but again not perfect. There are some missions in the middle east, some Azerbaijan, and some Russia. So overall your eyes aren't going to get tired from seeing the same place again and again.

-The Graphics are alright for 2007, but it wasn't ground breaking. Nevertheless, Captain Price smoking a cigar in the helicopter is, and forever will be one the coolest, most badass scenes in the history of video games.

-Unlike CoD2, this game actually has a story. Its not Shakespeare, but it's very engaging and keeps you interested in pushing forward. I want to say it's bit short, but maybe I played it very fast.

It might seem like I am criticizing this game a little too much; but when something is so good, seeing the bad parts won't be such hard job. I personally didn't enjoy this game as much as I enjoyed CoD2, but that doesn't lessen the respect I have for it.

Captain Price & Soap changed my life, in a different world they would've convinced me to enlist

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Junto ao 2 tem as melhores missões, Price nesse jogo carrega com maestria a história