Reviews from

in the past

this was such a good game, if it wasn't so i could download more games, i would never have deleted it, amazing gameplay

7/10. Encountered a lot of toxic people and the last few trophies were not fun at all, was a grind. Multiplayer games are typically not for me.

terrivelmente divertido mas terrivelmente repetitivo

Chivalry 2 is a fantastic sequel to the original. It is loaded with variety but still delivers the wacky and brutal insanity that you came to the original for. The combat feels very balanced; it is accessible and fun even when you are just learning, but has a massive skill ceiling and players are rewarded for their time spent mastering the mechanics.

Pensa em um jogo tipo batlefield mas medieval e que a estratégia faz a diferença bem como a habilidade no combate.
Cada partida foi diferente e isso me surprendeu muito.
Tinha cavaleiro que sozinha levava varios na habilidade.
É um jogo multiplayer que sempre tinha partida e jogadores.
Em uma cena no inverno cai no gelo com catapultas sendo arremessadas no meio do exercito. Fantastico.
Adorei a experiencia.

the renaissance men are coming into town

pas un jeu de pédale ça c pour les mecs aux vrais couilles

Played from – to: (2023-10-08 – 2023-12-06) – PC keyboard.
‣ 7/10 – I hope they paid the voice actors enough.

‣ Thoughts: I have never played Chivalry I, nor do I have a lot of experience in these type of complex combat online games. The only one that I had played before that is similar to this was MORDHAU. So, when I speak about Chivalry II, I speak from the perspective of a newbie who enjoys a few matches a day, gets his ass kicked and then complains that the teammates are bad.

In any case, this was a fun and unique experience. The complexity of combat could be dumbed down to simply provoking a pattern in an enemy and forcing him to block and attack while mixing it up with a kick to break the cycle. Obviously, there are more ways to trick your opponent’s when it comes to 1 on 1’s like fainting or swapping to heavy delayed swings, but for the most part you attack and block in a pattern and mix it up as much as you can to win the fight with a quick mind game. However, this game absolutely stinks in group fights. You either get a player who blocks 5 strikes in one go and sweeps everyone’s legs away or you get instantly decimated by three guys screaming their lungs out. The best way to describe this game would be chaos.

The atmosphere of Chivalry II is incredible. It truly captures the feel of a bloody massive sword fight in a mist of arrows. When you charge into battle you truly feel like a part of an army rushing straight to the unknown and it is great. If I had to compare how the game feels I would say it comes close to matching the mood and vibes of Battlefield 1 where everything around you moves, explodes and dies and all of that is caused by other players in real time.

In conclusion. This is a great multiplayer experience that has a huge learning curve and can be hard to get into, since the left-over player base is all veterans who sweat their balls of to ruin your fun evening with the boys. But it manages to immerse you better than most online pvp games and that is its magic charm. The complex combat can sometimes feel unfair and group fights are best to be avoided but you can also use that to your advantage and have tons of fun. It is all about positioning.

I used to play Chivalry 1 with my younger brother and I have waited long enough for Chivalry 2. I like 3vs3 and 40 player game modes rather than 64 player mode. I think the devs should consider ranked matchmaking system with 3vs3 or 1vs1? In large battlefields you don't get to show your skills much. A noob can always kill you from behind amidst the chaos.

The Positives:
💚 Fun combat system. Kills are satisfying. You can kill someone and throw the dead players head to kill another.
💚 You get missions to slaughter peasants, set fire to their houses and steal their golds.
💚 Variety of weapons and classes and they are well balanced.
💚 Greatly optimized
💚 Astounding maps with real background history
💚 No P2W aspect

The Negatives:
❌ The netcode is still bad
❌ Auto team balance is never balanced.
❌ If your friend buys it on Epic, you can't play with him.
❌ I had some progress in Epic but I had to start from level 0 on steam
❌ Party limit - 4 players only
❌ Difficult to get into for newbies as some of the players are playing it for an year and they are insanely good. It can be pretty frustrating sometimes.
❌ Horses ruin the gameplay for me.

Despite some issues, you will have fun in this game. Even though none of my friends play this game, I enjoy playing it.

Fun for the first 50 hours, then gets pretty repetitive, but still fun to boot up and play every once in a while

i had a lot of fun at first just enjoying the chaos and violence but once that wears thin its really just an aight game thats sort of repetitive and ok i guess

Gameplay is Epic and Stream lined fun casual
High Skill ceiling bring me back otherwise Map pool is small and little progression glad I got it for 15 not worth anything more than 20

I’ve been on a kick to play more medieval stuff, so despite the poor reception this got when announced as a monthly game for PS+, I was intrigued to try it out. My K/D ratio may not have been in the right ballpark against the veteran players but this was a massively fun experience, with mindless action, plenty of maps, and a hilarious set of voice lines.

I also love that you can still do basically everything solo against bots, though it’s not half as the live matches. Though I must say, there’s nothing like the feeling of betrayal as your partner on your outnumbered team decides to ditch you for the other side with 30 seconds left.

It's an entertaining, turn-off-your-brain, battle simulator. I picked this up because it was a free monthly. I would have not bought this for myself or previously thought I would enjoy something like this; but I'm glad I tried it. It was something new and enough to get my completionist brain to platinum it.

I am still surprised how many modes are included. With all my time, I didn't even try the 1v1 duels or mounted combat. I mostly enjoyed the 64 player battles. There are many different maps including: snowy peaks, tropical beach ship docks, and large castles surrounded by dense forests. The mix objectives have a wide range too. You can help push battle rams, put out fires, protect ancient relics, to much more. I'm glad not every map ended with "kill/ protect the party leader." Instead, they got creative and mixed it up.

There are four classes and each class has 3 subclasses. Each has pros and cons; you can swap during the battle to find what suits your play style. There are different weapon sets in each class. Maybe you want to play as a healer knight with a large one handed mace and shield to protect your squad mates. Maybe you want to stay in the back and chip away as a archer and use fire to your advantage? I was pleasantly surprised by the different options.

Orta çağdaki savaş ortamını çevrimiçi olarak muhteşem bir şekilde sunuyor. Yerden bulduğun eşyaları, masadaki yemekleri ve arkadaşının kopmuş kafasını bile silah olarak kullanabilmekte ayrı eğlenceli. Kollarınız kesilse bile kafa atarak savaşabilirsiniz.

as if the Byzantine army is playing a game .

حلوة بس يبي لها وقت علشان تتعلم

The second item on my weekend's entertainment program was a short trip to the Middle Ages. Since childhood, I have been interested in history and am a fan of the era of chivalry and noble deeds. That is why Chivalry 2 became for me a saving breath of fresh air after the horrors of GTFO and, at the same time, exciting entertainment. It's a pity that I couldn't spend enough time in it due to my busy schedule.

Modern scientists and reenactors of historical battles know firsthand how difficult it was for an ordinary knight. In the Middle Ages, people generally did not live long due to lack of hygiene and widespread disasters, to say nothing of warriors. Battles were commonplace, and noble knights in shining armor replaced each other almost daily. Once I managed to try on a lightweight replica of knight’s armor and, to be honest, I can’t even imagine how they managed to fight and navigate while clad in heavy armor. But I still don’t take into account the horsemen with pikes who burst into the ranks of opponents at exorbitant speeds.

Chivalry 2 will not offer the player historical accuracy or complex tactical gameplay, instead we will simply be able to take part in the classic “wall to wall”. It seems like there is a single player mode with bots, but personally I decided to go into multiplayer.

Before us is a brutal slasher film in a medieval setting. From the first minutes the player is sent into the thick of things and will be able to witness large-scale battles. You shouldn’t look for real facts or famous personalities here, because everything here is impersonal, but history buffs will quickly discern which events the developers decided to “cosplay.” From the very beginning, several game classes will be available to us, such as spearman, warrior, archer and others. We can change them at any time and after revival we will be able to immediately go into battle. The principle of battles here is simple and consists of a simple combination of attack + defense with the possibility of evasion and riposte.

In addition to gameplay for various classes, the game provides the ability to select any weapon from the battlefield for its subsequent use, but it is worth remembering that captured swords and axes will not be saved after death. We will also be able to use catapults and trebuchets, which can cause serious damage to enemy personnel. The gameplay consists of thematic campaigns, where some players will act as defenders and others as besiegers. Each side will pursue certain tasks that are limited by a timer. For victory, we will be given experience and battle pass points, which will open up new skins for us. The customization here is modest, but it still adds its own nuances to the gameplay. It is also worth remembering that “friendly fire” is disabled here, which means that in the heat of battle we should carefully monitor which direction we swing our sword, because here it is quite possible to accidentally cut down your teammate.

Visually, I really liked Chivalry 2. The battlefields here delight with their diversity and setting. Somewhere we will storm massive city gates, somewhere we will fight our way into an impregnable fortress, and at one point we will even try to recapture a convoy of prisoners from superior enemy forces. All this is accompanied by beautiful decorations in a medieval style with many small details. The game is replete with scenes of cruelty, and dismemberment in the heat of battle here is perceived as something ordinary. The funny thing is that even a bleeding fighter with two severed arms has the ability to kill his opponent with headbutts. The gameplay itself does not cause any difficulties and even allows you to leisurely sip a beer. Chivalry 2 is usually criticized for the abundance of cheaters and abusers, but personally I never managed to see them. To be honest, I don’t even understand how people play here for more than 10 hours, because I managed to play enough in just 2. Yes, I agree that the process of defending or attacking can be exciting, but this is only if your team wins. Otherwise, endless deaths on enemy swords and inaction of allies, followed by whining in the chat, begins to cause boredom.

I liked Chivalry 2, but only as a temporary distraction. I think it would be interesting for me to drop by here for a couple of evenings a week, but I never saw the prospect of a permanent session. The game is full of action, bloody battles and varied campaigns that keep you glued to the screen. Online play here is high, and wall-to-wall 20v20 mode looks impressive. For myself personally, I didn’t see any significant disadvantages here, except for the rehearsal gameplay and the increased presence of whiners in the chat. Otherwise, this is an excellent medieval slasher that will appeal to fans of melee combat. It was interesting for me to look into this game world and take part in large-scale battles.

вот это да вот игра

I love this game, but there's only so much of it you can play before you realize there's not much more to do anymore. I've figured out how to kill people with just about every weapon other than the shitty ones that fail to even be fun to use. You can have an amazing time in this game if you take the time to learn its systems, and it's also a game where it's valuable to learn from what's happening around you. I've stolen countless little tricks from duels with better players.

i played a lot of this during my high school graduation time, this was my coping mechanism, you will be able to enjoy this after the first 5 hours because learning the gameplay is a pain in the ass

swing parry block swing block swing

The only game where your fat fucking teammates soak up half the damage you deal to the enemy

This game is exactly what mordhau players wish they were playing.

Uninspired customisation that is made up for in the most interesting, beginner friendly, medieval combat on the market right now. This gameplay actually rewards you for original tactics, creativity and raw skill.

If you're deciding between this or Mordhau, choose this game.