Reviews from

in the past

If the aim is to continuously get decapitated by the enemy then I am actually very good at this game.

Yeah, it's pretty fun. Couple things beyond that.

I'm a huge fan of games with these huge, large-scale battles. They really scratch a itch in me. This game does that pretty well in most regards.

I think some of the classes feel a little "same-y" to me, minus the ranged ones of course. The difference in maps is pretty good, and there's some nice variety within the objectives.

I'd recommend it to anyone who likes these sorts of things. It's fun, but nothing mind blowing. Really good time with friends.

Um dos jogos multiplayers mais divertidos que joguei nos ultimos tempos, ele faz tudo de melhor que o primeiro jogo, a jogabilidade é maravilhosa, os graficos belos e brutal ao mesmo tempo, o sangue na lama misturado com uma quantidade infinita de corpos mostra a brutalidade e a insalubridade de uma guerra medieval, os modos de jogos são divertidos, principalmente os objetivos em grupos, que variam bastante conforme o mapa, vão desde roubar e assassinar camponeses até cercos de cidades grandes, o jogo infelizmente possui alguns bugs que atrapalham moderadamente principalmente quem joga no controle mas que serão arrumados com certeza.
O jogo é incrivel e eu estou adorando, no momento estou com 17h de jogo mas com certeza terei mais dezenas e dezenas de horas, e eu espero muito que os devs continuem a atualiza-lo adicionando e melhorando conteúdos.

played it a couple of times with a friend and the combat is really difficult to get a hang of but once you get the basics down its a bit easier. Maps are well designed and weapon choice is pretty good.

It's like Mordhau but it's way too fuckin easy

really boring with unsatisfying modes. the combat can be mastered within 2 hours because dueling is just soft reading jabs and kicks and regaining stamina by countering. Combat can feel floaty and archers ruin the large scale modes. this suffers from being overly casual and if you want a comp melee slasher the only option you have is mordhau. boring at launch and boring a year after, wish I've gotten a refund.

It's always fun to go back to this

After getting the platinum... I don't know, the game can be chaotic fun but most of the time it's chaotic frustrating.
I did like it, but the more you get into the advanced combat mechanics (aka getting gud) the game becomes more and more unfun. Just turn off your brain and hopefully play against opponents just wanting to have fun.

As long as you're accepting that you'll constantly get hit by your allies, there's some good chaotic fun to be had here.

love it and how i feel like an indo-aryan in the middle ages just people are pricks in the game

fun enough but the gameplay loop gets kinda borning even if some of the shit is pretty cool

I soiled myself, and nobody CARES!

so hard but really fun when u get into it

mordhau but less customization

I was just kinda bored after a while

Don't have much to say about this game except good fun

Animations, the single most important part of such a game, are well below what's expected from a first person slasher now that we've all seen and played Mordhau. A terrible shame.

Pretty fun title overall, simple and stupid in a lot of ways, but also avoids feeling incredibly tryhard or difficult with the 64v64 modes. It's a game I mentally put in the same realm as many multiplayer games, and while ranked the same, I think the vibe is quite sick here as it's very loose and fun. Overall just a fun time.

Loved screaming through this on gamepass. Super fun 1st person death by medieval war simulator.

one of the best follow-ups to a fighting game with swords and old English. while at times i can turn my brain off and just swing, other times it can feel like a tryhards game, due to mechanical complexity and the attraction of many pvp focused players may feel. ]

also the menu's on console are just terrible, navigating thru panels with the left stick (without a cursor) should be a crime. the bugs the can come up per game do not help either.

it would be great if the game had a more PVE focus, to make it easier to introduce friends into it, like Ubisoft's "for honor". other wise i still like it the way it is.

I also appreciate that the "battle pass" is not limited by a time frame, and can be completed whenever you want. it is definitely a nice way to bring new content to the game.

recommendation: Use the Spotify console app(or equivalent app) and start a Sabaton playlist/radio. It makes the casual experience a lot more fun.

+ Good combat as before.
- Essentially the same thing as before, which is... dull?