Reviews from

in the past

I enjoyed this far more than I was expecting to, not knowing how to dance. It's less restrictive than DDR/PIU and gives you more room to hit notes how you want (which isn't better or worse in terms of being enjoyable, just different). I found patterns to be relatively intuitive to pick up and quite fun to hit.

I know the cabinets are kind of garbage and unreliable, but when they're working this is arguably the most fun dance game experience. It feels like actual dancing and encourages freestyling. The main downside, though, is the lack of difficulty (as you could play most 10s without moving much) and the absolute garbage quality of most pads.

When the cab works right and the chart is great, it's a transcendent experience. Unfortunately, that's not as common as you'd expect.

The best most stylish rhythm game. I learned how to dance for and because of this game. Shame there are less than locations in europe

DDR for people who have sex

taught me how to dance, motivates me to dance. not hard to get into, and if you're interested in anyway possible i implore you to play it, its so much fun