Reviews from

in the past

This game used to be absolutely fucking goated just the issue is that nobody is playing the game. It doesn't matter what time u decide to play the game know one will be on that Is really the fucking problem.
If they was people actually playing the game it would be fucking goated tbh

I can’t tell if I like the special edition more than the original. Like it gets points for giving us 2 cool survivors (Feng and Ace) for free, but it also loses points for giving us 2 bad killers(the Hag and the Doctor)… also for free.

I have a genuine love-hate relationship with this game. On one hand, the structure of the game is extremely fun to me, and playing with friends is a fun time. On the other hand, it is one of the most needlessly toxic games that I've played as well.

Bom, só no PS4 eu tinha mais de 5000 horas desse jogo, sem dúvidas esse foi o jogo online que eu joguei por mais tempo.

Tem muitos problemas sim, como o desbalanceamento, algumas vantagens são extremamente fortes de ambos os lados e alguns assassinos que acabam quebrando o jogo, bugs recorrentes a cada atualização, level design de alguns mapas que acabam dando vantagem para assassinos ou sobreviventes e principalmente, a falta de novos modos de jogo que faz Dead By Daylight parecer sempre a mesma coisa.

Tirando isso, o jogo tem qualidades também, como a trilha sonora, o design dos personagens, jogar de sobrevivente com seus amigos é muito divertido, alguns assassinos possui gameplays bem divertidas também e a empresa sempre tenta ouvir a comunidade e atualiza o jogo constantemente, com correção de bugs, balanceamentos, novos assassinos, novos sobreviventes e novos mapas.

Sem contar que se você for um grande fã de filmes de terror, Dead by Daylight é um prato cheio, porque aqui temos Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Chucky, entre outros personagens icônicos do gênero, como personagens jogáveis.

Está longe da perfeição, mas tem sim suas qualidades e consegue ser um jogo viciante a partir do momento que você pega o jeito e aprende como as mecânicas funcionam.

I do not understand how this game is appealing beyond horror-genre zealots living out their fantasies of pursuing as or avoiding their favorite baddies. So dull, boring graphics, zero interesting gameplay, yet so many collabs, and now Nic Cage. When will it end.

This is the best multiplayer game I consistently play that I cannot recommend in good faith (yet I still recommend in bad faith selfishly). The grind is terribly, the learning curve is inaccessible to new players, the content is exceedingly expensive for new and old players, the game is riddled with bugs, and the servers rarely function well. The game has 1 game mode that has the same fundamental loop of gameplay for 7 years.... yet I still play and devour content for this game.

If you are interested in this game, please play with friends or some people from a discord server who'd be willing to play with you to explain the fundamentals and game aspects. Playing with others will greatly improve your experience with the game.