Reviews from

in the past

Just the game I long for the most.

i could sit here and sing my praises for deltarune for hours. but i won't. but know i could. i prefer this to undertale, but they're both phenomenal. toby fox and co really know how to make an engaging story.


this game isn't even fully out yet and it's already one of my favorites of all time lmfao.
will def take that spot when it's done considering it's toby fox we're talking about.

I've only played through Chapter 1. But yea it's quite good. I've decided I'm waiting for the full release of this game to play the rest of the chapters. Whenever that will happen in like 2033.

Esta decenton, mejor que Undertula eso si.

So far this game is excellent, but I will save my review for the full release.

I really liked the storyline but of course this game is unfinished so I really cant go off of much. The game is pretty similar to undertale with new gimics.

Everything about this is perfect. Gameplay? Perfect. Story? Perfect. Characters? Perfect. Art? perfect. Music? perfect. I cannot wait until it's finished.

Dividir um jogo em 7 capítulos Não parece uma boa ideia

Invest now kino will be here soon.

Análise individual pra cada capítulo no meu perfil.

only 4 stars bc its unfinished!!

holy peak will be a 10 when it's done

i would say this game is gonna be something truly unique and beautiful once the full thing is out but i can already say that about the first two chapters

Toby eu não quero que você se apresse nem nada mas por favor eu preciso saber o que acontece com essas criança 😭😭

Yeah deltarune so far is just really solid can't wait to see what Toby and the crewcooks up in later chapters.

This is a fun "sequel", while the first chapter didn't really hook me up, the second one was insanely good. Can't wait for the following chapters !

Toby fox please finish
Otherwise great game

O sucessor espiritual de undertale.

Deltarune pra mim já é tão bom quanto undertale, e conseguiu me fazer apegar por todos os seus personagens, músicas e ficar imerso na história.. E curioso pra saber o resto também

Tenho certeza que não vou me decepcionar, e que Toby fox vai manter essa mesma qualidade até o final! Ou até mesmo tão boa quanto

Nota: 10/10 PERFEITO! ( Até o momento )