Reviews from

in the past

Story and cast don't quite hit the highs of the first game even though I adore the lead duo. And despite all of the gameplay improvements, the felony system is such a poor replacement for statistician farming that it pretty much killed any motivation to keep grinding at the post game. Nonetheless I had a blast the whole playthough, Axel mode included. Music is also top notch, special mention goes to the item world theme.

Years later, the part of this game that stands out the most is the relationship of Adell and Rozalin. It starts with the main story, evolves with it, and eventually drives it all the way to the end.
That's not to say the gameplay or music are not worth mentioning, but they are mostly improvements over what the previous entries had. If you played them, you know what to expect. Sato's music is still top-notch, as is Harada's art.

Disgaea 2 dark hero days is One of the best examples of how a sequel should be made(far cry and Ubisoft please take notes)this games grabs on everything that the first game made and improves everything while adding new things and mechanics while getting rid of bad features.
We finally have Monster weapons that scale with the Intelligence stat,so unusable Monsters like the succubus whose abillities are int based can finally Shine same thing with the ghost.
Magichange was added to this game so now Monsters can transform into weapons for humans to use thus changing their stats,passing their passive skill to them and changing their stats.
This port Also has a new story mode called Axel mode where you play as him during 4 chapters,and the peta spells that were no present in the original release.
The item world is easily One of the best features of this game since it has a lot of diversity in comparison to disgaea 1,there are new random events ,Pirates can attack you out of nowhere and they reward you with treasure Maps that unlock another new content in the game.
You can Also obtain and steal many Legendary/rare itens in this world while improving the ones you have so be prepared to put a ton of hours here.
The plot of disgaea 2 is more serious than the One of disgaea 1 Jokes here are not that common and our Heroes want to defeat zenon the overworld behind their Netherworld problems.
I loved adell and rozalin both make a good pair and are very strong Gameplay wise.
Disgaea 2 Also Adds passive skills to each character thus making them even more distint from each other .
The soundtrack is great and diverse with many songs that Pump you up for a fight ,like the shinra tower theme or visual sensations onem
Overall if you want to play a good tactical jrpg you need to give this game a chance.

First disgaea game, the story is hilarious, gameplay is so addictive. Spent more than 200 hours on this!

No solo portea D2 sino que además añade una campaña y personajes de otros juegos para el rico fanservice.

Si el 1 era un cuentito de hadas precioso, este tiene menos hadas y más romance, pero sigue siendo un cuentito.
La pareja principal son un amor de idiotas, aunque los secundarios son, tristemente, más olvidables. Excepto Axel. Axel es más tonto incluso y eso le hace más entrañable.
En esta entrega refinan mejor la saga con las mecánicas que ya funcionaban, haciéndolas mejores. Y el mundo ítem, ya explotable, ahora es incluso recomendable.
También se introducen los tesoros y los monstruos por fin pueden tener equipados objetos de ataque mágico.
Una bonita historia y mejoras mecánicas considerables, un muy buen juego para mi gusto.

Um amigo me falou que ele perdeu toda a 7a série dele nesse jogo, eu imaginei então o jogo sendo a segunda volta de Cristo e precisei dar uma olhada

Dei 1h... É Um RPG Tático com muito diálogo... Entendo que muitas pessoas amem esse estilo, mas ele apenas não é pra mim.