Reviews from

in the past

Uma história curta, mas comovente. Pensar que muitas pessoas tem sua existência constantemente questionada, enquanto só são afirmadas a partir de uma sexualização nojenta é realmente muito triste.

whenever I am on bus all ppl are thinking of me is aw omg she’s so cute she’s so thinspo proana pinterest nyc andro model coquette waif skater girl grunge-adjacent math-rock enjoyer brandy melville regular ditzy hippy vibes she’s so marianne from normal people she’s so cute I love her ^_^
one time I was waiting for the train and some guy just approached me and said “you’re dumb” and then got on the train :3

I wasn't really bothered to get the other ending because remembering which sprite I have to talk with and which ones to avoid seems kinda tedious.

Not really much of a game, more so a story told in the format of a video game. It had a cool concept but I think the way it was done made the overall message feel kinda not as impactful as it could've been.

Despite that I do think the message it is trying to tell is a good one; doing something because you feel it's right for you and allows you to be yourself, instead of relying on others for validation in your identity.