Reviews from

in the past

this game is extremely crusty. its not fun to play. the health/timer system is absolute rat piss and makes the game infuriating; i get it's trying to simulate goku's hunger, but it just makes the game unnecessarily more difficult. its obvious this game was made to just cash in the dragon ball brand like most games back then.

This is surprisingly good fun

Gracias por todo toriyama san

Su legado no solo impacto a la industria del animanga, sino a mi medio favorito, los videojuegos

DEP Akira Toriyama

Game Review - originally written by ??? (probably Spinner 8)
This game was released here as Dragon Power, and a whole hell of a lot of stuff was changed. Like, instead of running around beating up stuff as Goku, you run around beating up stuff as this weird little monkey thing. And of course, a weird little monkey thing is MUCH more acceptable for American audiences. Anyway yeah, that’s pretty much the game. You run around beating up stuff. As Goku. And there’s lots of cutscenes interspersed throughout the game which gives it an illusion of plot. Despite it being Dragon Ball, it’s a pretty fun little game, if you like those sort of odd Famicom games.

The gameplay is just riddled with annoyances despite setting up a decent level design that includes some 2D fighting and platforming.

RIP Akira Toriyama.

Having grinded out a near perfect run of the endgame, the last four stages of the game that you have to redo when you die, the success of my run was still down to luck of the health pickups. This alone makes the game kind of bullshit. I played the Jp version with a new english TL hack. When it wasn't the final stretch, I actually quite enjoyed this game.