Reviews from

in the past

its good for the £1 i payed for it

I like the bits where you are shrunk. Jon St. John as Duke Nukem is still great. I like that compared to other bad & bland FPS games it is aspiring to comedy and has personality, even if it's mostly not funny and that personality is a infantile mess. Everything else is as shit as the turd you can pick up.

Sad game. This tried to do what Doom 2016 did for the doom franchise but failed horribly. I will give it 1 star as its fart joke jock humour would occasionally get a chuckle out of me.

wtf. another bad decision from 2011. i remember i kept playing because i just had to see where all that shit would end up. i remember it involves toilets. not much else.

that one shigeru miyamoto quote

O jogo é ruim, chato e desaponta os fãs.
Mas eu me diverti em certas partes mesmo sabendo q é horrível

no way am I replaying a game for cheats

This was my first Duke game and while I understand the stigma on this title I still love it. Duke was such a relic character to me as a kid that I just kept playing to hear him talk more. The Doctor who Cloned Me was definitely the best thing to come out of this. Also I still see the girls hand as his on the cover.

Damn, these Alien bastards delayed and slaughtered a game with so much potential

I can't resist. I have to blast this game. This game is the SOLE reason that I don't preorder anything anymore. I grew up with Duke Nukem 3D, and I was so excited for a new take on Duke and a new FPS game. Good God this game was a huge piece of shit (similar to the literal piece of shit you can grab out of a toilet IN THE GAME)! Nothing about this gaming experience was fun, but you know what? I finished it. I slogged through this steaming cesspool and finished the goddamn thing. I was not going to let the game win. I'd give it a zero if I could.

Was it worth the wait? No. However, the final release of this game is fun. I just feel like Duke had a different personality, because at time he felt like a parody of himself. But, you know, It was great to see Jon St. John back as Duke!

Um jogo que lá em 2011 parecia estar preso em 1999, hoje em dia parece só uma piada de mal gosto.


Let's get one thing straight: the game is absolutely mediocre and is the child of troubled development, so it's only natural that it's not perfect.

Let's talk about the positives: the Duke is in better shape than ever and is ready to rock. The voice acting is excellent and in general it is the charisma of the character that drives the story forward.

The story is mediocre without any particular twists or great flashes of imagination, it almost seems as if there was no clear direction on how to develop it.

Gameplay: the gameplay is unfortunately horrible. Duke is wooden to control and looks like something out of an early 00s game. The ability to carry a maximum of 4 weapons still reduces the fun and is an insult to the old Duke 3d. The feeling with the weapons in the shooting phases is horrendous and feels like shooting in circles, you can't feel when you've hit a target and even the sounds are nothing special. There is a lack of cover or the ability to use sights or anything else.

Graphics: Graphically, the game is ugly. Lots of aliasing and blurring everywhere, it looks like the first RESISTANCE on the PS3.

Basically a mediocre and disappointing game that should only be played to hear the Duke's irreverent jokes, which always make you smile. Don't fool yourself into thinking that this is a deep and well-written title, because you might be disappointed.

I won't comment on its DLC because I haven't tried it yet.

Rest in peace DUKE

It was everything that I, a fan whose first computer game was Duke Nukem II, had eagerly awaited and hoped for ever since first seeing that trailer that came with dad's pirated jewelcase my copy of Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project. The iconic dark maroon tank top, the night time Vegas skyline, Jon St. John's gravely Dirty Harry-esq voice, all of it was On Point, and that's without even getting into the manic straferunning frag em up action you get to partake in within a breadth of expansive and most of all interactive environments. Each and every day I thank George Broussard under my breath for this genuine Magnum Opus that, just like Duke Nukem 3D, did not merely stand the test of time, but rather stands as a testament of better times.

You can throw shit in this game.
Ball steel.
King baby.
Bubble Gum.

Arguably the greatest disappointing in gaming… this was developed over a decade. And it went through one of the worst productions in anything not just gaming.

And this is what we got… which is a shame. So much potential with the iconic dialogue and fun interactions and heck you can pick up and fight with a turd😂. But everything else is painfully bad. And just a slog. It’s a shame, hopefully Gearbox comes back and gives Duke the respect he deserves.

É um jogo ok, tem seus momentos, mas da pra ver que é um jogo que sua produção teve problemas, o fato de ter duke nukem como personagem principal faz o game ter "afundado" em suas notas e recepções do público, tem coisa melhor para se jogar mas dá pra dar uma chance e ver se curte.

I keep trying to convince people to play this with me and I just keep losing friends

This game is from a weird time in everyone's life. I remember when this game came out, it was at the dawn of streaming services. We gathered around a Ustream account because they'd just made it to the cave, and several of us thought "well we should see this thing for ourselves before we yell about it." The person who was most outraged about what they had seen (who miiiiight have been the person playing it? That detail escapes me) in two month's time would go on to demand that a CSA survivor Prove It. We've all come a long way since then.

My god, looking at the early versions of this game and seeing what it could have been just absolutely breaks my heart - that after 12 years this is what fans of the series get. What an absolute slap in the face. DLC was straight up ass, wasn't even worth the $0.50 I paid for it.

I followed the development of this game religiously. I was so excited when Gearbox picked this up, and my disappointment was immeasurable.

Nothing will match the utter dissapointment I felt when this came out