Reviews from

in the past

What to say about this game. Its a lot bigger then space engineers that's for sure its mind boggling how many different planets and galaxies there are i don't think ill ever explore all of them.
The game scale is absolutely insane bigger then any other open world game i know of but its one of those cases of "As wide as an ocean as deep as a puddle" You'll get planets that do repeat of course.

They still are updating the game and adding to it. I was playing reforged with some friends but we stopped playing after a while due to it being super grindey and requiring so much of your time. Mining is a nightmare and its not worth the time or effort to get the automatic mining tools its insane the amount of time you have to spend in this game to do anything.

No one really plays this game unfortunately the player count is very little and a lot of the servers don't get updated when the game does. Thats what ended up happening with the server i was on with my friends. The owner just stopped updating it.

Like i said the scale of this game is insane but it comes at a price. The graphics and physics are bad and it plays more like a watered down version of space engineers.

If they were to fix how grindey the game was and flesh out the game play more i can see this game making a come back.

Played this years ago and found it too unfinished and esoteric. Picking it back up now that its out of early access, It looks lovely and has a pleasing Minecraft-like progression that requires some struggle. At times it is still a little bit too esoteric for me; pages of instructions and even in-game videos that sometimes only add confusion when you want a simple answer. Or things like the multi-tool, which you have to make in order to do very basic things like pick up and move objects you've placed...only to find out it requires fuel to operate and that fuel is difficult to find without an even more advanced tool. It's a bit unnecessary.
I would have much rather had a bigger focus on aesthetics and crafting since all the elements are there; Sims-lite meets survival in space.
Still, it's very enjoyable if you can let yourself sink into it. Not everyone will want to do that, but if you liked Astroneer or Planet Crafter you may dig it.

Despite being a respectable space game with voxels, it still lacks automation, which is important given that you're supposed to be going places.

When you get back, you'll probably find things off and dead.

very underrated game, imagine space, but minecraft.