Reviews from

in the past

Nice game. Sometimes too clunky

why tf did i play this. I played this as a kid while watching Death Note, so now memories of both are forever intertwined. I'm sorry

na minha memória era incrível, fiquei assustado ao ver as reviews e notas dos usuários do site

Christmas gift given on release, for two RPG fantasy loving kids, who booted it a few times and never again. Just as uninspired as the movie.

A bad adaptation of a terrible movie of a good novel.

I remember liking this game, but it also wasnt great.

The game sucks as much as the movie

Joguei bastante com meu primo, era divertido na época. Fazer os feitiços era uma das partes mais legais.

Jogo pra deixar no fundo da memória. Não volto a jogar de jeito nenhum... Mas era divertido pra caralho. Junto com o filme eu devo ter assistido e jogado umas 6 vezes. Simplesmente tinha várias fases que eu adorava jogar e jogava co op tbm

Bro when you are a kid this game is so fun I just wish I never went back to it to realise its mid. Still, I have warm feelings to it.

I was unlucky and got this instead of the lord of the rings game.