Reviews from

in the past

Did not like the type of romance that it was. Art is great, concept is great, do not like the execution of the character. I feel like I got a lot of second hand cringe. I didn't get too far into the game, so maybe I'm judging a book by it's cover, but not for me. Gave me Mystic Messenger vibes.

say my name please i love it when people say my name

Fun game, same humor as me, datable character, noice.

sorry i need to be a hater this was kinda cringe. enjoyed some of it but it was kinda cringe

uma gracinha crinjei um pouco em umas partes mas mt fofo

Really cute! Scratched my Mystic Messenger itch, Micah was really cute. Thought the name options were super cool too!

cute cute. didn't take me long to finish but :] put a smile on my face. currently re-playing because i missed some things it seems

the VA is having the time of his LIFE

love the effort, not a fan of much else.

The man oozes charisma and I'm all here for it.
Had me grinning, giggling, and laughing at multiple parts of this short story.

Very cute and short. It's free so it not being perfect is fine by me. Micah Yujin I consent to you crawling into my window.