Reviews from

in the past

Not bad!

More of the same for better and worse. It still feels terrible to move around spaces and difficulty is super inconsistent puzzle-to-puzzle. We got some pretty thoughtful asset flips and a neat (albeit short) multi-room, murder mystery for the finale. Doesn't reach the same highs as the base game but it felt worth the $8ish.

Not much here to recommend 'Escape From the Past' over the base game or the first DLC. I preferred the novel (for the series) tropical setting of 'Escape Island' but I think I prefer the variety of puzzle rooms (including a competitive room and a whodunit) in 'Past.' The in-game character art continues to be comically atrocious. And the difficulty has odd spikes and dips but the game remains generally quite easy. The five-key difficulty scale continues to be nonsensically applied to the rooms. Of final note, the title 'Escape From the Past' refers only to this game taking place years before the base game. But nowhere does this feel like a period piece. And there is certainly none of the time travel that the title seems to imply.

It gives you a backstory about Sandra and Eel when they were younger. You get to see some academy locations in their old days (you'll instantly recognize them). The puzzles were alright, although a few of them took us a while to figure out, I certainly had more fun in this one than in the other DLC, and I didn't spot any game-breaking bugs either.

Better than the last DLC, but nothing special. I did like how the final escape room was set up like a murder mystery.