Reviews from

in the past

Lleno de smurfs, para nada amigable con los nuevos jugadores, mucho que aprender, muy complejo para nuevos jugadores, lo único bueno es que como tal, el juego no es "malo", es su diseño.
Si quitamos que en cada partida el +90% son smurfs, podría decirse que tiene potencial, pero no, está bastante muerto y casi niche, no entiendo la necesidad de complicar las cosas

ull get dicked by koreans

J'ai passé des bons moments avec mon ami décédé. Paix à son âme.

Decently made top-down battle royale with an overreliance on crafting.
+ great number of unique characters (and only a few questionable designs)
+ fun core mechanics that allow both solo outplays and team-coordinated wins
+ cheap account unlocks and no apparent pay-to-win elements
+ functional UI with all essential settings
- unremarkable music
- a single, rather gloomy map
- too many stat-packed items to be found and combined for any half-casual person to remember

O jogo tinha como ser bom só faltou, Players ativos, lobby funcional, layout compreensivo, um guia mais informativo e de fácil entendimento galera da Koreia adora MOBA assim mas não encaixa legal aqui no ocidente, a ideia legal mas faltou inclusão e players ativos.

fun to play on occasion, but it doesn't engulf my brain like other games. it's okay

I honestly like it. It's a fun battle-royale MOBA hybrid that focuses on building items and teamfights (bring back solo) while surviving to be 1st. While you can follow a certain item plan with certain resources being at parts of the map, you can also switch it up with rare resources that spawn within NPC camps, drops and more. It's F2P but also has in-game transactions only for cosmetics. I play this if I do and don't want to play League of Legends. Only problem is, it has a small playerbase so finding matches can vary.

interesting take on the MOBA genre, feels like a battle royal with similar mechanics from league of legends. it is not for eveyone though.

played because of the aespa ad, it's better than league but the devs don't know what to do with the game

One of my buds really like this game. Me not so much.

played over 200 hours on it, but being honest here this game has a very small future if any at all, its playerbase is almost nonexistant and requires you to play at very specific times if you want to play duos or squads which is just ass, and it also runs like shit due to poor optimizations.

Had some fun with it but got tired fast. Not the biggest fan of battle royales, even with LOL-like mechanics. Item recipes were confusing and annoying.

League if it was fortnite and jungles only. It's aight

this is a fun ass game, but no nut neuron makes me want to blow my fucking head off with its tank and mage meta

Only played when you could play solo/ duo and trio. Solo was 10/10. Don't care for it now really

league of legends and fortnite had a baby. you'll know if you like this game based off that sentence

Os defeitos é o fato de você não poder jogar mais solo/duo e o fato de que NINGUÉM joga. Fora isso, tinha muito potencial.

Basically a league of legend's aram, but battle royale. Not thaaat bad, but not my thing

Certainly beat my expectations. Fun for a while, then its only fun if youre good. Kinda unbalanced and really requires knowledge of the game. Cool if you like league.

Battle royale + League of legends + Genshin impact
pegou tudo de ruim no mundo e juntou em uma coisa so

By the very foundation of a rating system a PVP game will never be able to be evaluated in an "objective" way; even aggregating scores as the user experience is defined wholly by one's willingness to engage with the facets of a game. These games have to deploy tactics to sustain long-term player engagement, such as introducing new mechanics even when the formula already felt fine to play, and the opinion of any individual may always vary from "great" to "awful" in just two weeks time based on their own personal preferences when it comes to a game with skill expression and character pool receiving constant balance patches. If the character you main is weak you may have a substantially different opinion than someone who's main has been coasting by in A tier for several seasons. If you refuse to learn and adapt to the changes made in a game, your opinion may sour. You may have just downloaded the game and stumbled into the weakest character on the roster because you liked the design and had a marginally worse experience than someone who picked a pub stomping right clicker by total accident. These balance issues do not dictate the inherent quality of the game, though it may effect the individual experience, especially when you can simply pick a different character. Unfortunately many are averse to change and would prefer to write off a game as being garbage and the devs incompetent if their preferred playstyle or character remains weak for an extended period of time.

Regardless of that, my experience with the game over 1.5k hours; game is fun (even more so than ever before since 1.0 launched). Has an insanely strong foundation and a concept I wholeheartedly enjoy when compared to its contemporaries. The community is incredible and helpful and the people who have had negative experiences are, generally, seeking problems firsthand or have come through the Discords being obnoxious unprompted. If you tried an early iteration of it I'd highly recommend checking it out again for the game's full release; though if you preferred the Solos mode that's temporarily disabled. I find squads to be a ton of fun as someone who used to solely play Solos, however. I think the Devs are incredible for a game like this, transparent and exceedingly generous with the amount of free stuff they give away (as well as numerous events a month) and all of it is in my opinion high quality.

The game has rough balance patches and sometimes poor decisions are made by the devs, but as someone who came from League... Anyone who tells you the devs suck must not have, because Nimble Neuron is a breath of fresh air. Riot looks disturbingly incompetent by comparison.

ok now that we're done here pls queue ranked ive been stuck in queue for 30 minutes

better than league. that's about it